A girl that is so traumatized and filled with issues that she gets turned on by the sound of a fucking gun.
Yoo dude I met a stone girl and she liked my gun
Bro idk if thats a good thing
When and idiot tries to sound hard as fuck. Referring to himself as legitimate serial killer of all things that are living. He who is not a stone cold serial killer, is in fact a cold stone cereal killer.
Someone who has never seen a horror film.
Someone who still eats cereal for breakfast. And ice cream before dinner. If their parents allow.
I'm going to slay trout on the river cuz I'm a cold stone killa
A gemstone that can only be found at the heart of a collapsed star. It can break the laws of physics, bend space-time, create copies of matter, and basically anything else that’s ‘impossible’.
“Man, I hate Newton’s first law of motion...”
“You wanna borrow my Illogical Stone?”
“Yeah, sure!”
(Reverses Newton’s first Law of Motion)
“Thanks, Franklin!”
“Anytime, Adams!”
When you are so stoned you see dead people, people of your passed, and a ghost like being.
Dude I got ghost stoned last night and my dead granny came in and everything got fucked up.
The era in ancient history where people used coca plants (cocaine) and other modern halluncinagenic plants in every day life.
Archaeology digsite in Pompey
Reporter: I'm here with a professor from somewhere i dont give a shit about.
Professor: ..... yes well if you'll follow me. We discovered an ancient villa belonging to a young noble and friends. Apparently they decided to accept death and party. This room is in priceless condition and the bodies and artifacts are preserved flawlessly.
Reporter: Um... sir. Are those bodies clutching bongs?
Professor: Why yes you politcally stuck up bitch they are. Its a perfect representation of the stoned age.
The Black P. Stones are affiliated with the Bloods alliance and especially with the Piru coalition. and was created in the 1960's The gang is a rival of the Crips.The Black P. Stones have also been involved in a long-running conflict with the 18th Street gang, a Latino gang which is based in a territory north of Baldwin Village.
black p stone bloods are part of a nation spreading to chicago
a device used for communication
Go check the wailing stone to see if there are problems