A word to describe a promiscuous wolen
edgar:” been talkin to this girl n she saying shi that only a bop would say”
emanuel: “drop her hoe ass”
(Adjective) Bop stands for Blown out pussy and is used to identify women with high body counts or sluts.
sophie rain is the biggest bop
angie and arianna.. yall r sum d riders like oms i will beat yalls ass onb fake ass bitches 😂😂.
look at angie and ari.. they sum bops 😂.
A bop is a male or female ( mostly female ) that goes around and starts dating everybody ANS starts being a hoe ANS a thot , also being easy to date / use
nah my ex been a bop ever since he left me
a person who is easy to get nudes and or be in a “talking or situation ship with” that’s is easily passed around
that fatass cunt was a bop
a bop is typically decribed as a loud, obnoxious, homie hopping ,thot bitch ; she hooks up with any guy who shows her the slightest bit of attention; posts her body for male validation and puts other girls down to make herself look good infront of men. (Comon Bop initials include S and C).
"That bop fucked the whole block."
why u acting like a bop
what does that even mean
it means u acting like a jose garcia