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Check Boy Gorilla

A group of young savages that’s willing to go to war with anybody. Those guys are rich and are from orange texas.

Those check boy gorillas are getting a lot of money

by Juggernots January 22, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Checking a man’s left hip

When an annoying girl on tiktok posts about doing something random that has other implicit meaning and gives no further explanation so people are stuck wondering what her made up shit means.

This girl posted about checking a man’s left hip. She needs to get a life and stop wasting people’s time. Although all these people have time to waste if they are on tiktok.

by Gurtthespurt January 20, 2022

Breakin' Necks and Cashin' Checks

A phrase used to signify that a person is doing well and accomplishing a lot in his or her life.

Larry: "Hey Jeff how have you been after graduating high school?"

Jeff: "Im breakin' necks and cashin' checks man, I just got a full ride scholarship to college."

by Jonan2012 January 19, 2011

86πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

checking the bath water

first you have to turn the knobs, then you check the temperature below the faucet.

I caught spencer checking the bath water with erin 3 times while they were at the mall today

by benis boy December 18, 2005

5πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Poke Check

the act of shoving sports equiptment in a girl's vagina.

Bob--Did you guys see my hockey stick anywhere?

Bill--Yeah Danny was giving Jenna the old Poke Check in the locker room man.


by TheNambuNinja September 5, 2011

1πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Check Your Fucking Pockets

1). Utilized by nerds and nerdlings all over the world, mainly used in preparation for comic book and gaming conventions. 2). The act of preparing for life's uncertainties through the meticulous act of checking one's person for the most important articles (e.g: cell phone, keys, etc.)
3). (fig) The act of preparing for life's uncertainties through taking a personal inventory of what matters most in life before venturing blindly into an unknown situation

Nerd 1: You ever been to a convention before?
Nerd 2: No.
Nerd 1: Make sure you check your fucking pockets, dude. These people will rob you blind!


Person 1: I heard you caught herpes from that guy you picked up at the bar last week.
Person 2: If only I had checked my fucking pockets, it wouldn't have happened.

by naked_people_everywhere December 22, 2011

24πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

dick check her snatch

Originated from the south, a term used when you would like to have sex with a female.
A seemingly easy feat , when a male is interested in sticking their dick in a particular vagina, then you have accomplished this.
A clever way of saying I would fuck her.

Sarah is fine as hell, I would love to dick check her snatch!

by Poot there it is!!! December 18, 2016

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