The noise that results when a music player is left on, but the ear buds were earlier put in the pocket for some reason and forgotten.
We both thought we were hearing shit, it turned out it was his pocket music.
Me: You hea summthin dawg?
Jamal: Nah dawg you straight trippin.
Me: Shiiiiiiiiiit nigga it was just pocket music!
A word to describe a wave of sound that comes upon you while listening to, playing, or composing music.
"I just made a beat,"
"Really, can I hear it?"
"Sure bro,"
"Wow dude, that was pure Musical Synergy
This occurs when a person discovers a particular band or artist and becomes obsessed with them and wont listen to anything else for a long period of time, buys band merchandise and feels the uncontrollable need to make their friends listen to it. Often an intervention is required to rescue a friend from this annoying condition. Interventions usually occur on long road trips, forcing passengers to go to extreme measures such as ejecting the cd and throwing it out the window when the affected friend is not looking.
When Todd discovered the Kings of Leon, he was sucked into a state of musical monogamy. He insisted on listening to Kings of Leon and nothing else for months. Eventually his friends got so burned out they had to intervene. When Todd stopped at the gas station, Ross took every KOL cd out of the player and hid them from Todd. After the initial shock wore off and Todd went through the withdrawal process they proceeded with the road trip with a wide variety of tunes.
A really good song that doesn’t reflect what the artist actually makes. Often not even in the same genre.
I really liked the black seminole but it seems like it was just a music mirage.
The process of composing a melody to express a specific thought or emotion.
Sometimes, the composer has verbally articulated or also written the thought he or she articulates musically by composing a melody. Sometimes, the composer just feels an emotion which he or she is or is unable to articulate verbally, but composes a riff to express it, that is 'musical articulation.'
The process of composing a melody to express a specific thought or emotion.
Sometimes, the composer has verbally articulated or also written the thought he or she articulates musically by composing a melody. Sometimes, the composer just feels an emotion which he or she is or is unable to articulate verbally, but feels the need to express by composing a riff and does so. "I call that 'musical articulation.'
Music that radiates a similar sound to a toaster being tossed down the stairs or a kitchen utensil being rammed into it.
Not only does it have the sound of a dying toaster, but the band often has a cult following.
Person 1: "Have you heard the new *insert band here*'s new album?"
Person 2: "No, they make Toaster Music"