Acronyms which are made up by random people because they are not socially adept.
Person 1: Hey, wybtpsfmt?
Person 2: What does that mean.
Person 1: Would you buy that purple sweater for me tomorrow?
Person 2: Wow, that is one of the many things that aren't shorter if you say the acronym
Every single thing, whether big or small, meaningful or not, regardless of importance.
He just about suggested every fuck thing should be included in his proposal for government assisted funding.
fucking dumb book had to do this for home work
"hey we are are gonna read impossible things!"
A celestial beast, a being who shan’t be challenged due to his great power. Comes in many forms and like Thanksgiving and Christmas
Guy 1: Oh shit is that fat thing?
Guy 2: Yea, he’s in his Santa form right now
A man on tik tok who thinks he's maveric, iron man, thor and he has a hulk. Ok?
Im seaner things and We have a hulk. Ok?
So one time i tought deeply about That One Time When Opposingfork Did A Thing so i really tought but i forgot about what he did, so i went to the supermarket to buy local syrian produce. Sadly i didint find anything remotely resembling opposingfork heritage so i think fork did a thing but i cant really remember what he did.
Player 1: half life is crazy u gotta try it!
Dako: That One Time When Opposingfork Did A Thing
Player 2: interesting take on an alternate history dakor maybe you can elaborate on opposingfork's agricultural policies during that time
Avoided's bringing his Baby Thing out today, I hope she will not be crabby today.