Spending a very excessive amount of time on the porcelain god usually by folks who refuse to apply toilet paper to their posteriors preferring the “air drying method”
Toilet bitches can and do remain glued to the porcelain for many hours. One adherent of this practice, in the Boston area, has been known to camp out in public stalls for up to 7 plus hours
While preferring their home toilets, they can also be found in restrooms at convenience stores, gas stations and public places usually open at night, out of the way and with multiple stalls to avoid complaints and thus police attention from concerned store employees and customers
Professional toilet bitches in public usually try to carry out their business after 10pm and before 6am to avoid unwanted attention
He’s been toilet bitching for the last three hours
Guys who are into under the stall action in public restrooms.
You see 4 feet in one stall one is down on his knees.
Look a toilet shark is proposing!
Commonly used by crazy people to describe clean fragrances at Walmart.
Woman:(picks up and smells a candle)
Woman: This smells like fresh toilet paper.
You have to much time on your hands...
Why would anyone find Skibidi toilet sex attractive? The toilets are hideous and the series is weird. You aren't much better because here you are, looking up Skibidi toilet sex on Urban dictionary! OH MY GOD
it's a hole you throw shit at.Nothing much
Guy 1: where have you been .i freaked out when i didn't find you.
Guy 2: Sorry man. probably i slept in the Toilet
A decide simply used for urination and the art of shitting
"I'm gonna go use the toilet, to shit" -man
"Damn my ass is blown away after using that toilet" -woman
Man 1: Hold up, I'm finna use the toilet.
Man 2: While you in there hop on CoD.
Man 1: 'Ight.