A hot sexy bitch usual wears yogapants.
Origin came from six flags all the hot bitches go on yellow 14 boat on the ride jetstream may be part of a bigger conspiracy...
That girl at six flags had big tits she was a yellow 14, Did you see her in those pants her ass just pops out she is a yellow 14.
Yellow Chocolate is quite the same thing for white chocolate, basically a black culture/person living inside of a "yellow" person(Asian)
"Hey,she's a yellow chocolate right there!"
Urine left to sit in the toilet bowl for an extended period of time, often by accident.
As the water evaporates, the resulting concentrated mixture yellows and grows more potent, releasing a truly foul smell when you finally get back from your trip and flush it.
I went to visit my relatives in Colorado for a week, but I forgot to flush before I left and came back to some yellow wine brewing in my toilet.
what's gon happen to yo teef, ya nasty boy
Person 1: She don't brush.
Person 2: You sayin she got dat troof yellow
Person 1: No, this is so important to address that I am going to be grammatically correct. She has a case of the truth yellow.
Aussie slang for taking a piss on a lemon tree
Bloke a - "I'm going for a piss"
Bloke b - "Duck outside mate, give the ol' lemon tree a pint of yellow Australian manure"
Also known as "Cold Yeller Dope" is a slang term for beer in the Southern United States.
"Dope" itself is an outdated Southern slang word for a soft drink or soda.
"Hey Clyde, reach down in that cooler over there and toss me one of them Cold Yellow Dopes."
A light skinned girl with curly blonde hair
“Curly yellow dancing on me
Said she smell the green on me” -kolors by Monte Booker