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The 10th day of the 9th month of 2021.

9 + 10 = 21


can't wait for 9/10/21

by Vursa July 6, 2021

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10 Fingers up

you have certainly watched furry porn and are musophobia (afraid of rodents).

Omg Mostafa is putting up 10 fingers, he is such a gay man.

Andre is rumoured to have a fursona, that is why he put 10 fingers up.

by May 30, 2022

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A defining moment when you realize the gods are aligned against you in pursuit of a goal...That and the realization that your handlers/advisors are either stupid or covertly sabotaging you.In either case they should all be fired.

ANCHORMAN:"Subsequent candidates looking to challenge SENATOR CLINTON have all suffered a PAGE 10 MOMENT. Leaving her little choice but to polish her acceptance speech."

by L.MARTIN December 7, 2005

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1-10 scale

when you look at a girl and want to lowkey tell your friend what you think of her without getting her attention of straight up calling her ugly.

GUY 1: "fam look at that girl, dang"
GUY 1: "you usin the 1-10 scale or the 1-1 scale?"

by lelmaker55 September 9, 2016

24πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

10 Dollars of Weed

"10 Dollars of Weed" is $10.00 worth of weed you facking idiot.

Here's a $10.00 bill, go get me 10 dollars of weed!

by Sunday7777777 January 15, 2012

8πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

english 10 at prisms

the absolute worst experience one can have with the english language

english 10 at prisms got so bad, that orange man's speeches started to sound smoothing

by tseriessupporter May 2, 2019

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10 inch dick

10 inch dick is used from someone who has a 10 inch dick like Norghel Tenzin.

Hi im 20yo girl from zΓΌrich and i was luckely to experience Norghels 10 inch dick

by Brothafromanothermotha April 17, 2023

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