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Queen Live

The best reporter out there ! You want a scoop? We got it ! Whether it be on the tedious bitches in a community, or some piping hot drama elsewhere, you know we are on the case !


Frost: β€œomg this is going on queen live”

by Queen_Live August 26, 2021

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riddle queen

Someone who is a master at solving riddles and makes every effort to show off their superior skills to anyone who will humour them

Person 1: hey lucy what walks on four legs, then two, then three?
Person 2: boy i just have no idea, it is impossible!
Person 1: a person. Four as a baby, two when grown, and then three as an elderly person with a cane
Person 2: you are such a riddle queen!

by beadyeyes August 8, 2011

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Welfare Queen

A corporation that pays its employees low or part time wages, expecting taxpayer money to supplement the lack of compensation via welfare programs such as section 8 housing and healthcare. See Walmart, Amazon.

The welfare queen corporation I work for pays me so little and offers so few health benefits, that it depends on me to apply for WIC and AHCCCS to supplement my earning to live long enough to suffer lifelong health issues while being employed.

by TdFrost December 27, 2021

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Benzo Queen

A woman, dependent on benzos (benzodiazepines).

She's turning into a benzo queen.

by Benzsociety March 12, 2017

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Chocolate Queen

An older, slightly judgemental term used to describe typically queer, caucasian men whom only date black men. The term can also be used to describe any non-black individual who is often found keeping black company.

Person 1: "Where's Matt?"
Person 2: "Over there chatting up that black man."
Person 1: "He's such a chocolate queen."

by Glamp September 9, 2017

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Pootie Queen

Being a straight pootiequeen. Often males who display both homosexual and straight qualities. You must follow pootie queen by someones name and elevate your voice at the end of your sentance so yousoundliketHIS.

"hey guys i gotta 30, can i come in?"


"yo fuck you pootie queen cOMPASS"

by stephenfriedland October 2, 2011

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Opera queen

Gay slang for LGBT+ men who love the opera. A sub-type of the show queen.

Bob booked front-row seats to see Nixon in China... he's such an opera queen!

by Mayor Me September 7, 2020

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