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Nut attack

When 3 big pickaxe dudes followes you and their big nuts wants to make You Say 🤑

Yo that bigga nigga want to do a nut attack on Goi

by sexibubis🤑 June 17, 2023

Jack jack sack attack

Jack jack sack attack

Jack jack sack attack

Jack jack sack attack

Jack jack sack attack

Hey guess what


Jack jack sack attack

by Angishangi January 14, 2020

attack tack

A colored pushpin left on the ground by an entry of a residence or on a window ledge, entry way or step to target a residence for vandalism and harassment. You will know it is an attack tack if you remove it an another appears in the same place and you may have a history of late night harassment or vandalism.

"Hey wait there is an attack tack here, lets have some fun and punk this place. "

by Lostindesert June 14, 2021

Wallet Attack

When another person causes you spend alot of money, usually used in the future tense when someone accompanying you (usually female) sees something in a window they like

X: OMG look at those shoes

Y: Err yea...

Z: i Feel a wallet attack coming on

by HarryG!! August 19, 2010

spam attack

to use your fastest attack as many times as possible in an rpg game
(such as Wow)

"hey mifune, spam attack that boss with your fire bomb attack"
"ok spamming engage"

by crobo September 17, 2009

Gnome attack

When the very aggressive violator Mike sees a gnome and punches somebody in the nuts but because he has a General fear of gnomes

I put a gnome in mikes yard and he gnome attacked me very aggressively

by Hard at work September 18, 2021

Sneak attack

When you’re girl is sucking your dick from the back and at the same time cum and fart in her face.

Last night, Leslie was sucking me from the back then I sneak attacked her. She wasn’t happy..

by Twardell30 April 18, 2018