The Great Cory Depression was an economic shock that affected most countries across the world. It was a period of economic depression that became evident after a major fall in CoryxKenshin uploads in the United States. The economic sadness began June 2019.
Son: What is The Great Cory Depression?
Samurai: It was the worst economic downturn in Shogun history, imagine the samurai suffering without a Cory upload for nine straight months. It was a very tough time.
mia is depressed and 13, and she's in 8th😥😥😼😼 and we celebrate her depression in June 30<333
mia is depressed, we all know that<33
Deppression caused by herbal substances ( perferbably herbal tea)
This is the face of herbal depression-_-
He felt like Ultra-Lord, now he's Ultra-bored.
Been feeling so damn low he might just pull the fucking cord
Carl: hey Sheen how are you today.
Sheen: I don't know I feel ultra-bored and depressed, they should name a depression about me called Sheen's Depression
1. When you’re depressed but you just smile through the pain
2. When someone who is too pure to be depressed is depressed
“Ugh that hit me right in the feels. That’s not gonna help my sugar coated depression at all.”
Person 1: “Grace seems so nice and care free I don’t know how she does it.”
Person 2: “Yeah but poor girl has sugar coated depression.”
when people seek attention online
player1: i have depression so sad
player2: sad
1👍 1👎
When you’re sad all the time but not depressed. Like if you’re having a bad week
Yeah I’ve had some diet depression lately