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build fight

Something you can't play fortnite without

Yoo you wanna build fight?

by IGotNoMatsF March 17, 2023

Fight Hands

1. A show of passionate support or strong belief in a topic. Not an actual threat of violence.

2. To provide strong defense for a topic

Did you hear about that girl? She didn’t deserve that.

Nah, she deserved it. That’s something I’ll fight hands.

by Janeson April 10, 2023

How many kindergarteners could Luke take in a fight?


Mr. Smith: Hey Devan! How long could you last in a fight against infinite kindergartens?
Devan: if Luke is with me, eternally.
Mr Smith: How many kindergarteners could Luke take in a fight?
Devan: Infinite.

by Omnipotens Deus January 9, 2024

Troll Fight

Any boss battle in a video game that takes an unnecessary about of time to complete without changing or evolving in any way to keep it interesting for that player. Created in indie horror YouTuber @itspeepohere's live chat as a result of the multiple El Gigante fights in Resident Evil 4 (2005)
It is a play on "troll" (the term for someone online who's only purpose is to antagonize others) and the fact that El Gigantes look like cave trolls.

"Are you gonna play Dark Souls?"
"I don't know. I heard it's nothing but troll fights. Dodging and slashing over and over for an hour sounds annoying."

by itspeepohere July 31, 2024

Finger Fight

Finger fight simply refers to a harmless exchange of middle fingers with strangers during an altercation most commonly experienced with road rage incidents that doesn’t escalate. Gesture only. Non-physical and non-verbal.

I got into a finger fight with another parent during school drop off after he didn’t let me merge in front of him.

by Tess Tickular August 20, 2021

Finger Fight

When you get into a visible close proximity eye-to-eye altercation without any physical contact or even without a verbal exchange. Thus, “Finger Fights” or “Finger Fighting” most commonly occurs during random heated exchanges with strangers or harmless road rage incidents—ideally in short duration without further escalation or harm. Because ain’t nobody got time for that

Sorry dear, you might as well hear it from me first—I got into another finger fight with a parent driving the kids to school today. I know it’s stupid but here me out: So you know there’s that construction zone with the bad timing? They closed off a lane and I simply went to merge at the end of the merger—that’s what you’re supposed to do, right? I wasn’t cutting the line of parents off - it just looked like it, okay? And this asshole Karent in a minivan wouldn’t let me in acting like a total dashboard warrior wanting to smash chariots. And we got into it throwing middle fingers - because I’m not rolling down the window with this Delta Variant. So I’m miming this douche bag instructions on how a merge lane is supposed to work because I know better than to curse in front of the kids! Yes dear. It was stupid. I know, dear. Nothing bad was going to happen. Look, I found a back way so there will be no finger fighting. In fact, watch this: I’m hanging up my little gloves…

by Tess Tickular August 19, 2021

Finger fight

Finger fight 2023 definition extended after being mention on tiktok in an unusual way.

The meaning that the artist who used it meant is still unknown, however there is speculation that the meaning is something sexual intended.

“In their bed at night losing at a finger fight.”

by Kissmemorememories October 25, 2023