Liam is a very common name .
A Liam is known to be both very attractive and intelligent. Liam can be a player ,but once he sets his heart on a girl he will give her the world and become very protective of her .Liam is also known to be the perfect wingman ;)
Liam is so hot!
the sweetest most genuine human being i have ever met. the type of boy to love you unconditionally and to be there no matter what. the type to love you besides all your flaws. and most importantly a hottie.
Funny ball bag sheep shagger who is fun to play with on PlayStation and minecraft and he is very easy to take the mick out of
A very surprisingly attractive human being. But can also be very dangerous at Tai jutsu and close combat. He usually gets all the ladies and women ardor him.
He tends to do the “ fuck and dip” technique, which is extremely rare and difficult to possess and control.
Liam indeed a chick magnet.
Thots : “ omg liam is so fine I just want to f*ck the sh*t outta him “ !
Liam Kleine is very attractive
Someone who is often found being colorblind and or dyslexic
omg is that Liam Soul