An old man who thinks he’s hot shit but can’t even get head from his wife
My neighbor is an Fish man Dan
A person who enjoys making kangaroo balls into a coin purse, also known as a Kangaroo scrotum coin pouch.
Hey mate, I need to find an Aussie Dan to buy my sister a gift.
The main character of the popular anime series Kotura Kansumara, who is above all thing a bad ass. He typically wears around his main weapon of choice, a big beef brisket sandwich, and smacks those bitches around
I wish I was Dan Robinson
Dan gets stoned off tabs and sells his car to buy his lass horses
When you have strong aspirations and mean well with your every move but make a habit of fucking everything up, sometimes, seemingly on purpose. Kinda sus.
Hey wanna see me Dan Jones'd myself and crash every fucking car I buy on the day I buy it?
Ethans uncle backwards over the fence in Manchester if you know what I mean