(Total Pedophile death) Used as a sort of dog whistle to rally for the death of pedophiles. Sometimes shortened to TPD. Commonly used on social media to bypass content guidelines.
(Video of pedophile)
Commenter: Totally perfect day
Commenter: (name of pedophile) biting the curb 4k, tpd
Full of perfection.
Used when beautiful just isn't enough.
Friend: *posts picture*
Me: *comments* I won't say beautiful, because beautiful means full of beauty, and you are full of way more than that. But sadly, perfectionful is not a word. But, if it was, I would say you are perfectionful. I guess I'll just have to make a new word.
"when the erection satisfys an interactee. Not necessarily limited to penis"
"I was having a look at what Bob had made, and it was quite simply erection perfection"
When a woman or a man has a balance of a good ass and legs.
My girls has the perfect ratio
Anytime two people can be together infinitely and never get bored or angry and constantly want to see each other. This is the best feeling in the world. If you have it. Never ruin it.
Wow! Cody and Mackenzie have the most perfect relationship ever.
a perfect realtionship doesnt always have to mean that there no fights, or misunderstandings. one in which there are arguments and misunderstanding because it allows your relationship to grow. it makes you and your significant other more mature together. it allows you to explore lifes meaning together.
i lowkey think we have a perfect relationship
We can only examine events in the past which never prove the future. The future has too many past experiences to know what the future holds. However, if we predict the future, there is a small chance that our prediction will be 100% correct. So instead of hoping that the past will predict the future, we will simply use the present to predict the future.
I used to predict the future back in 1987 but it never turned out because I didn't know the future. Knowing what I know now from the past, I can predict the future a bit better. Only time will tell if my prediction is correct. The past is never perfect but the future has a chance to be perfect!