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Social Bowl

Sitting in a circle with a large group of people, whom you have never met before, each taking a hit off a bong or pipe while telling people a little about yourself.

'Hey man, you coming to the kickback tonight?'
'Naw, I won't know anybody there. It'd feel weird.'
'No worries, dude. We're having a Social Bowl tonight. You should join. It's a great way to make friends.'

by OldEarthChaos May 5, 2012

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Social Mediest

An Individual recognized only for their constant use of Media and electronic communication to form, influence, and engage communities and audiences using their opinions, information and content via Social Media sites.

Tommy Sotomayor III is one of the most popular Social Mediest that exist, he has attracted as many as 120,000 followers through Social Media and is not popular for anything other than his blogs about African American Women.

by "TheNCrowd" June 26, 2014

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Alcohol Socialism

The belief that all alcohol in and around a party should be shared equally by its guests.

Alright everyone, we're abiding by alcohol socialism tonight, so pass your bottle to the right and take a pull!

by BurgerKing22 November 18, 2011

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social capital

consists of both words social and capital
Social Capital is the extensive base of networks which an educated, knowledgable, and well integrated people create that facilitates economic development and activity.

At the macro level, social capital can affect the economic performance and the processes of economic growth and development.

by Micheal Brenen January 19, 2006

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Social carcinogen

A person who is seen to be derogatory to social standing when seen with - socially carcinogenic.

"Yo man what the hell are you doing hanging around with Daisy!?"

"I know everyone hates her...I just thought we sorta clicked,"

"Dude find your balls! She looks like a walrus..everyone hates her. She's totally a social carcinogen!"

by ExEE April 19, 2009

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social retard

Someone who either can't learn social skills, learned them too late, doesn't care about them, or doesn't want to learn them. The fact you had to look this easy, almost non-slang definition up on a freaking website means you're probably a social retard. Don't worry, it's actually becoming pretty common.

Monica: Yeah, I'd say hi and talk to her, but she freaking looks at me for five solid seconds before thinking what to say.
Daisy: Well, you know she's a social retard, just give her a chance.

by internetless October 28, 2015

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libertarian socialism

An anarchist who likes government. A libertarian who hates freedom. A communist/socialist with a different name for PR reasons. Basically something that doesn't make sense. Another way of describing it...a monkey in a pinata.

Libertarian Socialism is the perfect ideology for a schizo.

by Bucky O'Hare April 23, 2006

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