Source Code

clean & jerk

Masturbating in the shower

"I start every day with a clean & jerk."

by Kichael Jackstien August 19, 2015

Jerking the Jerky

When your dick has a sunburn but you proceed to masturbate against your better judgement.

"Troy's laid up in bed after jerking the jerky."

"Should've taken a cold shower to stop from jerking the jerky."

by StevethePeeve April 20, 2021

phantom jerk

When a man, whose penis is locked in a chastity cage, places a dildo at the place where usually his hard penis would be, and strokes the dildo, tricking the brain into thinking that he's stroking his penis, thus triggering an ejaculation. Similar to how a crippled person would scratch a lost limb.

"Hey, how is your time in chastity going?"-
"Very frustrating, but I've almost mastered the phantom jerk."

by ElzearYoung December 7, 2023

mouth jerk

In the Nordic highlands, it was widely though to be rude when prince's of lords would pick their teeth with their fingers in a jerking motion, while speaking ill of their house.

This custom was adopted by the Europeans in the 1600's

When your son is mouthing off, when he should be zipin' the lip. He's being a mouth jerk

by Laythem June 9, 2012

jerk mustard

When you jerk off but piss before cumming

I was so drunk I couldn’t cum so to make her feel better I jerk mustard on her

by Doritoman44 May 29, 2024

jerking in the punch-bowl

It is similar to poisoning the well. An act of claiming a good thing for the sake of owning it and ruining the fun for everyone else.

Person 1: The guy who copyrighted the Happy Birthday song was an ass.
Person 2: Yeah, he was really jerking in the punch-bowl.

by Hmanlyman May 26, 2020

Mercy Jerk

When you're just not finding anything that is right for your mood, so you throw on something mediocre, and give it your best college try.

The brother and sister shit just isn't doing it tonight. Time to mercy jerk it to some hentai.

by JoRrsh June 10, 2023