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pancakes that are square and far superior to the normal round pancakes. there is a secret war between the square-pancakes and cube-cheese. cube-cheese wants to enslave humanity while the square pancakes wish to give powerful gifts to humanity. their only wish is to stop the cube-cheese and save humanity if you are reading this stay away from the cube-cheese they are here for the destruction of earth and humans, only the square-pancakes can save us.

person 1: hey have you heard of square-pancakes

person 2: square what?
person 1: just eat this pancake the cube-cheese is coming

*cube cheese destructions sounds*

by Runnerdeath February 28, 2021

Rich man's pancakes

Pie any variety as long as cooked

I'm not hungry anymore I have rich man's pancakes left overs

by Cody5050 January 16, 2022

Retard Pancake

When 12 or more men diagnosed with Down Syndrome work out in the sun, and or a hot room untill extremely sweaty. Then proceed to perform oral and anal sexual acts on one another. While a group of scientists observe and take notes.

- Hey Tommy, did you see that epic retard pancake in the walgreens parking lot last night? It looked so good i almost joined.

- It smells like a retard pancake in that bathroom!

- 5 days of the week I go down the special education hallway and catch them retard pancaking and it smells like a dead body in a restroom where someone shit in a toilet for a decade without flushing.

by Jesus C. Christ May 15, 2022

Samoan pancake batter

A term for ejaculent

She splatched her samoan pancske batter ALL OVER THE PLACE after i tongue blasted her fartbox samoan pancake batter

by Fudgedragon2005 April 11, 2018

I’ll pancake you with a waffle maker.

Another way to tell someone you love them without them knowing what you mean.

Person 1: I’ll pancake you with a waffle maker.
Person 2: What?

by Naughtical Seal April 11, 2023

Shitty pancakes

a woman with a flat ass; someone with no behind.
also, an insult/shit word to use for something wrong, or to make fun of someone. or to state the truth.

damn, she has "shitty pancakes".
she was good but, she had "shitty pancakes".
oww! shitty pancakes!
bro, you literally have shitty pancakes

by yoiyle April 29, 2019


To take one statement or belief and turn into hate speech or something generally discriminatory against something related to that statement. Like real waffles and pancakes, one may be rooted from the other, but they are still two different things.

Coined by Louis McClung on YouTube.

“This is no waffle-pancake idea, because I am saying I do not like trad wives, does not mean I don’t like Christianity, okay? ‘Oh, Louis! You’re making fun of some Christians! That means you hate Christians, you think it’s bad, you think we’re all stupid!’ No??????” -Louis McClung

by JaxonArsenic December 24, 2024