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Someone who is wack or worried

Ayo you aint text me back, you're really sick
I wouldve been sick if the principal called my parents

by Nautii January 28, 2019


Abusive negligent mother. Perverted, toxic, poisoned our food, staved her children and stole from them, walked around naked, refused to accept her daughters had their period, asked if certain items made her kids, "want to cum."

Mom: how do you like beef stroganoff?
My siblings and I: it makes us sick in our belly and we can't eat it.

by Derra February 14, 2022


girls use this to discreetly tell someone that they're on their period

"I can't go out with you today cause I'm sick"

by thatonegirl@2 December 26, 2022


the only time you stay out of school and do drugs

I feel sick today

by this username sucks June 28, 2021


1) The feeling of despair .

1.) I've be sick the last 3 weeks After loosing my grandmother .

by Cheyenneeeee December 20, 2017


If you’re American please explain you’re views of this word.
But in England ‘sick’ is actually a better, more common, and if you’re that old a more ‘trendy’ word for cool.

**friend shows you a ‘OG’ song by Stormzy***

Me; Oiii, I haven’t heard this song ‘in time!’ This ‘tune’ is actually sick....

by That’s sick February 26, 2021



Ethan, Your'e a Sick Goalie! Also heard you are a sick runner....

by chickenface22 September 19, 2019