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turkey-chicken scrawl

An adjective used to describe a person's handwriting, but a penmanship (handwriting skills) so horrendously bad that even those of, hence the name, a chicken or turkey from the local farm.

a boy brings a hand written essay to his father, for his father to look over and help him correct it. The father looks at it and says:

father: son, i am sorry, I can’t read your bloody handwriting. Who in the world taught you to write in turkey-chicken scrawl anyways?. Please go make sense of your own writing, re-type it for me on a computer, print it and bring it back to me, and then I’ll help you.

Son: okie dokey, no problem.

by Sexydimma January 2, 2012

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Turkey banning minecraft

On march 10, 2015, some motherfuckers recommended a ban on minecraft because it's being based on violent lol (cuz u have to kill mob to protect ur stuff = violent)
some people think that they just want attention to become more powerful (by forcing kids to stop having fun) but the ban failed in an unspectacular way

turkey banning minecraft for being too violent but the ban failed lol

by missingno_kekw April 30, 2022

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ate her turkey

Eating a girls saggy vagina

Man I cant believe I got that drunk that I went home with Sarah and ate her turkey and I made sure to add some homemade gravy ;)

by 5th floor whore November 13, 2013

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turkey chicken breast

a non-chewy object protruding from, but not limited to, a female's chest. Has a savory chikeny-turkey taste, but sometimes tastes like skittles.

You can see Simon Cowell's turkey chicken breasts quite frequently.

by adamlambertissohawtt November 9, 2010

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turkey neck siesta

variant to "turkey neck fiesta"

When a group of men place a sombrero onto a sleeping person, then surround it and mastubate onto the sombrero.

Did you hear?....They did the turkey neck siesta on Jenny!

by Captain J Cizzle June 2, 2011

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Two-part Turkey

A weird sex thing, invented by Kim.

"Kim, stop giving Eric a two-part turkey. Your parents are still downstairs."

by CallmeWrex October 18, 2020

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[turkey, ham] SamBae

A sandwich that includes, one bagel (onion bagels works well) turkey or ham, tomato, mild cheddar, oregano, and pepper. Then toast in oven together. Add mayo and lettuce after toasting then enjoy on a paper plate.

Josh: Hey man, you feel like eating a turkey, ham SamBae?

Zac: No

Josh: Fine, you grundel! (See grundel)

by SkinnyPants January 21, 2009

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