(noun) a cum disposal unit is a man or woman used for sex then tossed aside like yesterdays mail...
(use it in a sentence today LOL!!!)
That chick/guy is a total CDU go for it!!!
cum disposal unit (CDU) douche
12๐ 1๐
The Mafia in little white trucks.
and everyone thinks im crazy..
53๐ 14๐
A political movement in favor of legalization and the reunification of all 32 counties on the island of Ireland.
'' Man, we need a big change here''
''Ye.......Legalize Weed & Unite Ireland.''
''Taxes from the weed and taxes from the United Ireland is a win for all''
A magnet school of a few hundred students within the larger United High School. The school's electives are built around engineering. Magnet students are not an even cross section of United High School, however. First, most magnet students are intelligent and know fluent English, a rarity in the city of Laredo. Everyone in magnet also seems to get along well, another uncommon occurrence.
Most Magnet classes are difficult. They are much more difficult than "regular"/"non-magnet" high school courses but are weighted the same as them. There are, of course, classes like ECAD, with their, um, rather unique curriculum and reputation.
Teachers at the magnet have a reputation for being bad ass. They make their class difficult, but in style.
Overall, the whole magnet experience is enjoyable. It is the place to go in Laredo for the best academic program with plenty of fun in it.
Typical conversation the United High School Magnet is referenced in:
Student: I'm the United High School valedictorian. I have a GPA of 106 out of 100.
Anyone Else: What was your SAT score?
Student: An 1850 on the 2400 scale.
Anyone Else: Oh, you must be non-magnet. See, magnet students have harder classes and, thus, lower GPAs but way higher SAT/ACT/AP scores than you.
48๐ 13๐
A very intellectual word for an asshole fecal matter obviously being shit, with the excretion unit being the asshole.
I just squeezed a big log out of my fecal matter excretion unit.
13๐ 2๐
A franchise of international schools whose original intention were to be a platform for different opinions and philosophical debate, but have since turned into postmodern, neo-marxist, feminist, indoctrination centers. It is literally impossible to meet someone who went to the school who doesn't believe in the concept of privilege or who is willing to criticize immigration or globalism in the slightest.
David: I think that a lot of people from United World College schools are actually racist towards white people as well.
Jeff: Oh my god, stop being such privileged, male, white, cis-scum, David.
4๐ 9๐
The most wicked, awful, and horrible country in the history of the world. America claims to be the land of freedom and democracy, despite it being a warmongering oligarchy whos propaganda brainwashed millions. It is an imperialist nation that has been fucking over the middle east for decades, and it's own natives and minority populations for decades (via genocide, unjust laws, etc). It also had a hate boner for communism
Thomas Jefferson, one of the men who helped create the united states of America, said in a speech all men are created equal. While at the same time he owned slaves
2๐ 7๐