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- An action of offensive and pointless stupidity; an individual who acts with offensive and pointless stupidity; a moment of offensive and pointless stupidity (Def: 1)

- An action of inoffensive and purposeful intelligence; an individual who acts with inoffensive and purposeful intelligence; a moment of inoffensive and purposeful intelligence (Def:2)

(Depending on context its either a swear or a compliment; like calling someone 'Einstein')

-(Def: 1): A person who farts in a crowded elevator and screams "It was I" and laughs. The stench makes people sick. A person who starts to play TikTok on full volume without using headphones. This person is a Youtube.

- (Def: 2): A person stands back in a crowded elevator to let others in. They ask which floor you would like, and press the button for you. They invite you to view a genuinely funny meme they found that makes you laugh and brightens your day. This person is a Youtube.

by DingleDwop January 25, 2023


porn without sex scenes

do you watch youtube videos?

by zplashy February 26, 2020


A place for people to share engaging and entertaining content mixed in with a cesspool of garbage (primarily children's Nursery rhymes, DO NOT CALL STEVE MINECRAFT AT 3:00 AM SCARY CHALLENGE GONE WRONG 2017, How to get FREE fortnite VBUCKS just give parents credit card info, and other things like that). If you happen to be a mega corporation, expect to be protected from all sorts of criticism and to be able to financially ruin any small creator for showing two fucking seconds of footage you technically own but not really. Don't worry; they can't do jack shit about it. Youtube is also known for their piece of shit business practices such as removing dislikes to shield corporations from criticism and censoring anything to get precious money from daddy China.

Did you hear that YouTube removed dislikes?

Yeah, they want to protect small crea-

You're fucking dead to me, Phil.

by Frenchbread_2727 July 20, 2022


A platform on which people post videos in two forms. Short form and long form.

Legitimoose posts the best content on Youtube.

by Prygin November 29, 2024


Youtube is a very famous(and not stable)platform used by people named "logan paulers". The "logan paulers" watch a world famous(and pretty fukin' dumb asshole)named logan paul.

"Youtube is not a stable job"

by Loganpaulsuks September 9, 2018


A website made in 2005 that can make your life wasted.

Guy 1:Hey dude, what did you do last night?
Guy 2:I watched YouTube.
Guy 1:All night?
Guy 2:Yes.

by Troll0407 August 22, 2017


An action of offensive and pointless stupidity;an individual who acts with offensive and pointless stupidity; a moment of offensive and pointless stupidity

You are such a YouTube

by Salem_enby January 25, 2023