The ghost of someone who has faded away due to not having breakfast in time.
Late at night outside the Hoosier Diner, you can hear the faint moans of the breakfast ghosts that want bacon, eggs, and biscuits and gravy.
The amount of souls that follow there killer around forever.
Richard Kukinski (The Iceman) Has over 100 souls in his Ghost Entourage.
Any saved pictures, videos, text messages, emails or any other form of media sent by a person you are no longer in contact with.
Who are those pics of on your phone?
Oh they're just ghost prints I haven't deleted yet.
Catching a fart in your hand and throwing it into someone's face.
Me: watch this im gonna ghost sanchez someone
Random: did you just throw a fart in my face
Me: get ghosted
A phenomenon where you look at wrist in order to check the time on your watch which you swore you put on before you left the house this morning and realize its not there. Can lead to ridicule if done in response to someone asking for the time and he/she realizes what just took place.
Guy1: "Dude do you have the time"
Guy2: "Yeah sure let me just check" *looks at wrist, realizes there's nothing there*
Guy2: "So...maybe I should ask someone else?"
Guy1: "Goddamn ghost watch...."
An absolutely awesome place to be where the owner is legit god names LINKUS.
Just woke up gonna hop in the Ghost Company Discord