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zombie squirrel

A brainless definition that your dad uses to describe your harry armpits

Typical an old guy named Eugene says stupid shit like this.

Hey son what's show me your zombie squirrel

by Gene double hockey sticks September 22, 2020

Zombie go boom

The objectively best YT content ever. Originally included Jim Goza, but now mostly consists of Chuck Mere and Charles 'Executioner' Fultz. They test out requested weapons, common objects and mods from popular fiction e.g The Walking Dead on anatomically accurate zombie heads that feature synthetic cranial cavity, skull bone, tough foam flesh and rubber simulants, to see what damage they do, and if it would kill a person/zombie. Although they still upload today, they get barely as many views and money as they should, as they have been raped by YouTube's monetisation system, like so many other channels that were once huge. If I win the lottery I would give half of it to them as they are the one of the most deserving channels on YouTube. In a nutshell: Just watch their fucking channel, they have tested nearly every weapon from movies and video games as well as random objects that I'm sure you are curious if they could kill someone. Sub to ZGB Studios. I was not paid or asked to say this, they're just sick. They are also really good film makers, and it shows in some of their videos, such as the IT prank one.

Zgb Studios are more metal than most actual metal music channels. Did you know that a pencil can make a zombie go boom through the frontal cranium bone, but a Walmart machete can't even go through the parietal bone on the 5th strike?

by I guess myself idk May 6, 2021

Club Zombie

A “club zombie” is very similar to a “club rat,” however a zombie is unable to function in the normal world, and feels at peace when sweating in a dingy club. A club zombie is physically unable enjoy a “night in” and frequents clubs on weekdays and all recognized holidays. A club zombie most likely knows all of the words to “Beautiful Girls” by Sean Kingston and keeps their “promoter” on retainer.

“Those club zombies can’t stop going out and chicken cutleting girls on the beach

by Rodrick lover July 28, 2023

Club Zombie

A “club zombie” is very similar to a “club rat,” however a zombie is unable to function in the normal world, and feels at peace when sweating in a dingy club. A club zombie is physically unable enjoy a “night in” and frequents clubs on weekdays and all recognized holidays. A club zombie most likely knows all of the words to “Beautiful Girls” by Sean Kingston and keeps their “promoter” on retainer.

“Those club zombies can’t stop going out and chicken cutleting girls on the beach

by Rodrick lover July 28, 2023

Zombie Hand

When a girl kisses your hand and you decide you never want to wash it again after that. So her kiss stays on your hand as well as the bacteria from her lips making your hand a “Zombie Hand”.

That teen boy’s crush kissed his hand the other day he said he never wants to wash that hand again after she kissed his hand so now he has a “Zombie Hand”.

by Vielee August 28, 2023

Electric Zombie Tattoo and Piercing

A tattoo shop that survived the Great Flood of 2011. Once located in downtown Athens, PA the shop has moved to 202 Desmond St. Sayre, PA 18840. You can call to speak to the living dead yourself at 570-504-5342!

"Where did you get that portrait?"

"Electric Zombie Tattoo and Piercing"

by electricmedusa December 20, 2011

Zombie Lab Order

A Zombie Lab Order is a Lab Order in the Message Center that will not 'go away' no matter how many times the user signs off on it. It cannot be killed.

Oh my gosh! I don't know if I followed up on this order, I think I did but it's still in my inbox. I'm so confused, it's like a Zombie Lab Order!

by EMR Nerd February 26, 2021