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The Myles Effect

When an individual who brings down the overall mood of the group is present, but when they leave the mood is improved.

Person A: Damn why did I feel so bad 5 minutes ago?
Person B: Myles just left, its the myles effect

by justabloke October 12, 2021


The Jessica effect (aka the jessica curse) in 21st century times has been defined as, (Someone, Jessica) spontaneously twerking into someone’s life. Leaving said person, with not a single thought other than… “I NEED THERAPY!”


by SaltySeaBass September 13, 2023

The Bortnik Effect

When someone is so utterly awesome and cultured and refined in the most west coast hipster kind of way that you can't help wanting to Facebook stalk him/her until ya'll are besties, possibly more....

He is so fucking extra, He is having The Bortnik Effect on me, it's fucking spiritual!

by B-Radical31882 March 5, 2018

Friday Effect

When you're with a new guy that is clearly into you, tags you in photos and videos having fun together, and fuck boys and guys that were too stupid to figure out their feelings come out of the woodwork for a second chance.

She only had eyes for him, and was clearly annoyed with The Friday Effect.

by fyrbal65 October 18, 2018

The Johnson Effect

When your cellphone starts to ring as soon as you whip out your Johnson to take a piss.

“I ran to the bathroom to take a humongous piss, and of course the Johnson Effect happened as soon as I whipped out my shlong.

by Levi Spencer September 5, 2020

The Tristan Effect

When a new idea/person/thing is introduced and everyone likes it at first, but slowly overtime people get tired of it to the point of flat out hating the subject.

Damn family guy was so good, fell victim to The Tristan Effect

by Amazing gerard December 4, 2020

Panopticon Effect

Habits and behavior reflexively caused by the belief that one is being observed or when their actions will become known to another person.

If a stranger leaves a credit card in the room with you, you COULD write down all of its numbers and buy something with it, but you won't. Maybe because someone who would take offense to it is in the same room. Or there is a security camera in the room and someone on the other side will see it. Or the person who owns the card will notice less money in their account and find the address the package was sent to. You probably don't even know the specific reason beyond a strange tingling in the back of your neck warning you of the dangers of doing it. No matter the specific reason, they all fall under the Panopticon Effect.

by The Logical Fallacy October 3, 2022