When you can be bothered to explain something to anyone that will take an extraordinary amount of time to explain.
GTS, How do I get a personalized license plate for my car? You need to GTS ! " Google that shit"
The belief by google that every login is potentially fake and deserves deep investigation
fuckin' google-paranoia is nagging me again
When someone is unaffected by popular gossip / opinion, following instead logic and careful decision.
Have you heard what they have been saying about Sam? Everyone knows he's google trends.
When you complete a project 95%, then abruptly abandon it, just because.
The Google glasses where a promising product, then they pulled a google and cancelled it last minute
AN Internet merchant associated with Mega-CORP. Google, and the Play Store manages apps for consumers, sellers, and various and sundry associated creeps.. their motto is, "DON'T DO EVIL...UNLESS IT LOOKS HOT"... Author note: It is HIGHLY recommended you stay away from ass-pegging their TOS, as they can and will invalidate your Internet life with a snap of their mega-Corp fingers.
HUEY: "Hey Dewey, did you ever look for that Flappy Bird app on the Google Play Store?"
DEWEY: "I would've, Brother Huey, but I seem to have forgotten my password!1!"
LOUIE: "Try 'smelled_of_elderberries'"
1๐ 3๐
When a set of search terms returns results from an unrelated area, making zeroing in on your subject much more difficult.
Searching for "parallel filter" is a strong google hazard. Search for "parallel implementation filter" instead.
1. what people search when they are bored on google.
2. what it says in the search bar for google.
P: im bored
P: *types search google or type a url
The google home page: Search google or type a url.
P2: No :)