A Chinese American Gamer, Also known for Creating Boss fight and used to plays XGDPS (XcreatorGoal Known as the creator of XGDPS Geometry Dash Private Server)and now playing Normal GD again. Addicted to Xendergames Boss fight and his creation, Fascinating Art Creator, and a Nice friend I Ever Known ElementsGD. :3
Zender Games is a kind person and a noob in Geometry dash
A game that requires a sense of rhythm.
I am very skilled at rhythm games.
A game stump is when you maximize your skill in a short period of time. You will play as you did when you had peaked, but decrease in your ability to be able to play like that for long periods of time. Then you will focus too hard and crash.
Dude, I had a game stump during yesterdays match; pretty wild how we all have those sometimes.
Aleena's playing the life game.
jk bro i love you
3👍 2👎
Martian Games is a truly awesome game firm which focus mainly on multiplayer CTF-shooting with cars/planes/tanks/spaceships and more! Run almost single-handedly by the developer Shadow, these games are one of the best in their category to ever have been made. Although it is advised to be wary of the A4F community found in the plane games of Martian Games. :o)
Martian Games is so awesome! I had a thrilling match with players across the world!
Any area where video games can or are being played. This area can be anything from a desk, to a living room, to a set up in a convention hall, but the area must be stationary, thus mobile gaming is excluded.
Will showed me his gaming station he set up in his living room, complete with a 55" LCD TV, surround sound, a PS3, a 360, and a Wii.
A term used to describe - when a group of people work as one to topple a limited financial group to a end ass financial game !
Tom : Ow my God did you see what happened with the socialist Eleat with Gamestop ?
Davd : No what they got Game sloped !