Trying to persuade, or make another person or people understand a point, but they won't listen to reason.
Kyhleigh: Hey, stop calling him a faggot. He is who is, fuck off.
Haze: haha, yeah totally...i should fuck off, well thats easy i could just shove my dick in his mouth and he'll like it
Kyhleigh: You're sick. Disgusting, and fucking pathetic. he's a human being and you're nothing but a sick, horny worthless piece of shit cast here with nothing to live for. Oh, but this is just playing music on numb ears. bottom line; people like you ruin this world. we need better people.
similar to peer pressure but is experienced when one has an ear infection and still gets pressured from friends to do stuff, and those friends chronically don't show up anyway
Hey, quit with the ear pressure, bro. Yeah, I'm distracted because there's pus coming out of my ear!
Otherwise I'm the most gorgeous creature you've ever met. ;-P
someone that never washes his/her ears this is common around england and Australia
nuttella ears is an earwax head tranny
A person that doesn't like to hear swear words. Cringing when someone swears.
Stop being so damn ear sensative about my language.
A hickey given on the ear typically hurts and isn’t very effective
Michael: Jess I’m going to give you and Charlea and ear hickey
Jess: ew fuck off
a feminine influence in one's life who manipulates a person's ideas of what's good and what's bad for their own self.
Typically achieved through emotional manipulation
"Little Caesars tastes so good when you don't have a bitch in your ear telling you that it's nasty"
Someone who had never been exposed to double homicide or prison language.
Extremely funny responses when some ask that's in first grade no less, "Mommy what is sliming?"
The mother having been a member of a Baptist church looked up the term and blushed. My friends from College Church were trying to get me employ "Utah Profanity" when they heard me utter the word "shit" as a church mate from Assemblies of God heard me drop "Fuck" after my factory accident where the left index finger was mutilated.
An interview a former church mate from the 1994-1996 era did an interview that he for the first time was uncensored where I ribbed on the then vocalist, "you really don't need to watch your language around me. If you want to go for broke, go ahead let the f-bomb fly." I said this smiling when I did my blog, "I relate to a Christian who does swear than one who never uttered an explicit term."
The term some say has origins in Glenbard East when I did the Italian counterpart to fucker as a teacher heard me say this and understood Italian *whoops*
A Utah resident walking around Glendale Heights and telling a smart-ass to "shut the front door."
"Hey Vertical Smile, this is the fucking mid-1990s. Where the hell did you borrow your language from. The character from Hi Honey I'm Home. You're in Glendale Heights where discussions are candid about ghosts being made because the impaling of a hallowpoint"
The Utah resident dropped his jaw as he never heard the word twat referred in a colorful way, "What the..... my Virgin Ears had been brutally violated."
He continues, "Oh flip, this one produced the true crime yarn The Cabbie Homicide. Wait a sec, he's connected to Assemblies of God?!? " Seeing his website, "He's a Christian and he writes like this?!?!"