Naomi is the type of friend you'd never want to lose. She may not be bubbly or very optimistic, but her unique personality is one you get drawn to easily. She's calm under pressure and quite naturally smart. She's especially responsible, and you can trust her with anything. Naomi is pretty inside and out and is a very strong spirit. Be careful never to betray her, because once you break her trust your friendship is over. She always knows what to say, and gives the best, and sweetest presents for your birthday or holidays. You can always rely on her, and she deserves the very best since she gives so much to her friends.
1: man that girl is so great! i'm so glad she's my friend!
2: that's Naomi J. for you!
chris j is a fucking faggy racist white boy.
nigga claims hes black but hes so fucking pale
chris j is a fat nigga who doesnt shower
chris j seeks female validation by sexualizing girls
The act of inserting a turkey baster filled with Pellegrino water up the ass of an unsuspecting girl during intercourse and discharging the baster hopefully causing simultaneous orgasm. For a similar result, see donkey punch.
Yo, dude, I J. Poe'd that girl last night!
she basically is the sunset and sunrise put together
and has the most warmest smile
and she makes your heart melt
just by existing.
"She's such a sathviga j"
"Smile had me melting"
This is the art of being cock blocked by a guy when making advances on another guy. Usually they guys are two close friends and the one blocking you wants you for himself.
If I was making advances on this guy I was attracted to and a mutual friend came in and was J Blocking me.
When a guy stands against a wall and a girl gets on her knees and voraciously blows him
Nick: I was really having a bad day until Tara gave me a knee j.
Tara: My knees hurt, can you get me some lotion.