Something I say when my friend says something they think is funny, but it really isn't, and I don't wanna be rude. So I just say that.
Bro, Chicken Cow DOnkey Knife? HASHTAG LOL!
galaxy lol is a friend of mine who is gay and is a fortnite kid and roblox kid and he has a crush on me Hahaha
"hey do you know galaxy lol?"
"oh yeah that one fortnite kid?"
"yea hes gay"
"oh my lordy lord"
A girl/boy who was trying to type lil instead of lol but autocorrect changed it last second.
get rickrolled
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lol funny haha poggers
rebel victory via base raid
so much win
echos winning
rebel win
rebel win
rebel win lol
rebel win lol gif
When roby is acting really fucking gay, everybody says “robys gay lol”
Roby “says something gay”
Person “ha robys gay lol”
Roby “cries”