A guy who is taking up a spot on earth which he should not have, he is a waste if human space
*Rap battle*
Kid- You are a waste of human space
Be comfortable with who and what you are. Be confident.
"Dag, yo. I gotta get me a fade like Justin over there!"
"Slow down, Skippy. Your hair looks fine. Just own your space."
it has absolutely no meaning, people just use it to annoy others by saying it repeatedly without any explaination.
PERSON A: pog in tummy space
PERSON B: wtf???
PERSON A: pog in tummy space
PERSON B: ok this is really pissing me off. goodbye
To trip balls
John: Is he gonna be ok
Tom: Yeah, he’s just folding time and space
99 agents of space is a group of people on a game called Holdfast: Nations at war.
1: You're apart of 99 agents of space?
2: Yeah!
1: Me too!
When you ride your girl like a roller coaster all the way into space.
Ahmed performed the sacred space coaster 69 last night. He was never seen again.