A combo of two hobbits, a peanut and a moron hazelnut-head. Typically they originate in the furthest lands of the Germanian and Italian deserts. Tasty as a milkshake made of farty poop and dwarf's boogers.
Those four are the typical nerd squad you should watch out from
the most problematic crew, consisting of the most problematic people
“wait, what’s so special about the corona squad?”
“oh... one voluntarily stuck their face in a lake,
one fell in a river,
one got hit by a car,
one slept in...”
A group of people that are social outcasts. They are avid anime lovers to a level that is unhealthy and downright cringy. They can't communicate like normal functioning adults and use anime related memes and weeb talk instead. They have no social life and therefore value online interaction more than real life. They will hold grudges against you even if you didnt wrong them personally, since they value social justice ad absurdum. They will remain low life individuals and never achieve anything meaningful in life. They are still virgin and will most likely lose their virginity to their bisexual friend that may or may not be attracted to underage looking girls.
I used to be a member of the underwater squad, but then I got a life and left.
these guys were true legends until haven had to change them for some shitty reason they were literally the goats of british holiday parks and if you are british and you have no clue about these guys then what the fuck are you
the seaside squad were good in the old times
yeah ngl rory looks fit as fuck
you dirty whore
The animation squad . A team of people who make animation storytime videos on YouTube . All friends and I'm a big fan of them
A group of young teens from southern metro Denver, Colorado. This group can be dangerous but usually harmless, they legally smoke marijuana and occasionally can be found in Estes Park or CPV.
Also the name of a fire playlist on Apple Music, yogi squad consisting of over 400 songs.
'Yo who are those kids'
'Oh man, that's the yogi squad keep you distance'
a twitch.com feature that allows up to 4 creators to stream together and be watched all in one window
person 1: what are you watching?
person 2: oh Altrive and Jawsh are live on twitch. thankfully they’re squad streaming so i can watch them both at the same time.