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straight edge

Some one who thinks that they are so cool that they don't need drink, drugs or casual sex. they feel that they are above it.

why are you all drinking, im too cool for that. I'm so un-cool that im cool!

by anti-anti-emo May 23, 2005

16👍 40👎

straight bottom

An emotional, witty, fit but petite heterosexual man who enjoys cuddling, healthy eating, and often plants.

I know I act all macho in public, but I really am a straight bottom.

Women may like dating 'bad boys' but most of them want to marry a 'straight bottom.'

by Seth Silver January 7, 2011

8👍 16👎

straight homo

a word used to sound insulting, when it really isn't.
By saying that somebody is a homosexual, but also stating them as straight... there fore canceling out each accusation to as if u never said anything to the said person in the first place

Kaelin, you are such a straight homo!!!!

shush i no it sounds insulting but i actually canceled it out!!

by samm and lexie January 1, 2009

7👍 14👎

straight cut

a shot developed by alex le at heartlake ss and can only be understood by those closest to him bazic boyz

hiro playing jimmy in jitz

mike: stonewall jimmy..
alex: shit..try a straight cut..

by great1 April 27, 2004

5👍 9👎


another term to call a person that is gay or likes the same sex

wow man check out that straight-hater over there with his boyfriend, that is messed up

by christophorus September 5, 2010

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SUPER straight

When a man/woman will only date a woman/man that was born as a woman/man (with the XX/Xy chromosome) and will not date a transgender that says they’re a “man/woman” because they have the opposite chromosome that gender would have

Reginald: “Rachel told me she’s trans”
Clyde:”I kinda expected it I thought her shoulders were a little to broad she’s built like Michelle Obama
Reginald: “would you date her because I wouldn’t?”
Clyde: “No I’m SUPER straight you are too right?”
Reginald: “Yea”

by SUPERstraightforlife March 7, 2021

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Super Straight

'Super Straight' is a fake sexuality made up by transphobes.

This 'sexuality' is just the preference of people who were born the gender they identify as (aka. Not trans/cisgender).

There is nothing wrong with having a genital preference, but it is NOT and WILL NEVER BE a sexuality.

You are not oppressed if you are 'super straight'. You don't need a flag. You do not need your own pride month.

Jill: 'Hey Tom, what's your sexuality?'
Tom:'Oh, I identity as super straight'
Jill: 'Get out of my house'

by XSourLemonX March 29, 2021

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