Simular to the phrase "I dont give a rats ass" but for use in enviroments with under 3's. If you want to say "I dont give a rats ass" but happen to be in the crèche you can alternatively use "I dont give a rats left foot".
This phrase is also good around people that would willingly class themselves as snowflakes, assholes or English language Nazi's.
I dont give a rats left foot about all the times the process works, I only care about times the process does not work.
When one of the homies are rockin' a bit of a chub, but they don't wanna be too public about it. Can also be used if a guy sees something he likes in a sexual way.
Hey guys. *taps shoulder* *winks*
Hey, Matius! Look over there. Left shoulder moment, am I right?!
means that you would rather drive into oncoming traffic then to do something
ugly person : wanna kiss??
me : i'd rather drive on the left side of the road 🙄
Very astute point Candice! What do you think? Do you think it just shifted up one level of abstraction? Is that what happened? No? Cus that would be my thing. That would be the thing I said and have been saying for years.
Hym "RIGHT AGAIN SHIT-BRAINZ! God, my brainz are just so fucking powerful! How do I do it!? How is it possible for a man t- Oh right I'm a genius... Sorry. I forget sometimes! I genuinely forget that I'm that wildy-intelligent. Slavery never left. And what's worse is that it exists at MULTIPLE levels of abstraction. Your minds have ALSO been inslaved. How, you ask? The existence of the memetic sub-network and our awareness of it creates the impetus for the CURATION OF SAID SUBNETWORK! And WHO is the CURATOR!? Oh... I don't know... Probably some ABSTRACT AUTHORITY! But who? What do we call it?
When you're not acting right as an individual.
Person 1: Bro, I was acting left af last night.
Person 2: Why?
Person 1: Bc I wasn't right.
The phrase "shag your left toe" originates from modern day england. This phrase is normally used by fuckwits who think they can stick their dick in the most irrelevant parts of your body.
This Phrase has no meening, as it is just and irrelvant comment.
"Oi, shut up, or i'll give you a cheeky headbutt and i'll shag your left toe"
A right. Commonly used when providing directions / navigation.
Similar to terms like "a baker's dozen" in which the dozen isn't actually 12 items, but rather 13.
Named after Weymouth, Massachusetts by its residents in reference to the town's unique social customs and habits.
"Take a Weymouth Left up there at the next traffic light"
Translation: Take a right up there at the next traffic light
"He did a Weymouth Left out of the parking lot"
Translation: He took a right out of the parking lot