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Beef-wit (n.) a slow or stupid person, one lacking in sophisticated thought and expression.

Philly sports fans caused a delay of the game again. Those beef-wits have been eating too many steak sandwiches.

The plague of Greece upon thee, thou mongrel beef-witted lord โ€“ Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida, Act 2, Scene 1

by Linguistic April 21, 2016

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Beef Pants

Common misinterpretation of the chant "defense!" often heard at American football games.

Why is everyone yelling beef pants?

by Mel4000 January 3, 2011

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In softball, when the runner on third is trucking her way towards the catcher and the catcher thinks she is out... but the runner completely levels her. Like a shit brick house.

Nicolette roast-beefed the girl from WV.

by redheadedwildchild March 26, 2015

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beef conditioned

the act of one breaking wind in front of a cooling or heating device that allows air to circulate within a small living space.

Girl - Man, Tim is a jerk.
Guy - Why? what happened?
Girl - Tim beef conditioned the room. It filled matter of seconds.
Guy - Priceless

by nishi06 July 12, 2011

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Barber's Beef

After eating cottage cheese lasagna for a night, you shit on a women, she pukes in your mouth, you shit that out, that's barbers beef.

Me and my girl Stacy have been getting more seriously lately, I even have some Barber's Beef left on the floor last night.

by PerrierDrinker48 March 20, 2019

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Beef Stew'd

When someone known to brew up the worst farts known to mankind puts their ass in another persons face and lets "one" go.

After Brian passed out on the floor he was beef Stew'd by Johnny.

by 1PrettyLittleLibra July 2, 2015

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Beef Muggling

When a woman queefs on a guys ass or asshole

"His girlfriend and him were beef muggling last night"

by beef muggler's bestie January 30, 2022

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