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Christian Goth

Christian + Goth = Christian Goth.

I don't understand. If you are truly walking with God, why would you want to engage in a lifestyle that glorifies darkness?

Who is a Christian goth?

by aishtamid September 9, 2006

23πŸ‘ 282πŸ‘Ž

Christian Death Metal

Sounds like death metal, but has biblically based lyrics. Makes fans of traditional death metal foam at the mouth and become the judgemental hypocrites they accuse Christians of being.

Uses the music of Satan to defeat his purpose.

Pwns noobs.

"Have you heard the new Becoming the Archetype? They kick ass. Oh wait, they're not talking about eating babies, I can't listen anymore. Dadgum that gosh darned Christian Death Metal."

by dekken February 20, 2007

274πŸ‘ 190πŸ‘Ž

legacy christian academy

Fucking nursing home-coverted "Non-Denominational" School nestled in the mountains of Stephens City, Virginia, where on the field trip forms they ask you to sign thirty times so they don't get sued, and where your business is everyone's.
Might as well call it Legacy Satanic Slave Academy

Dude 1: Where do you go to school?
Dude 2: The most terrible hellhole on Earth, please kill me.
Dude 1: You mean Legacy Christian Academy?

by ThirdEyeGod April 8, 2015

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

lubbock christian university

A bubble within itself, everyone knows everyones business. Girls are easy and basball guys are whores. Also known as Love Connection University because you well probably get married in the first year.

Brett and Destynee must go to Lubbock Christian University.

by XOXOXOGossip Girl March 8, 2009

39πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Cornerstone Christian academy

It’s basically a shithole in the middle of no where and they give to much homework

Welcome to cornerstone Christian academy

by Your stepbros cock November 22, 2020

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brampton christian school

Its a school full of coons, beaners and curry munchers

I fucking hate brampton christian school

by Cock Gobbling Cuntrag December 29, 2017

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born again christian

Someone who rebels against their upbringing in force so much, that they become a jerk, drug addict, alcoholic, sex addict, or possibly worse, but in later life they become terrified of the inevitable end, and go back to a sober, penitent and pious lifestyle. Such a person is also terrified of the possibility of hell, as may be dictated in a religious upbringing. Such a person then, in order to cancel out all fear of death, and possibility of hell actually existing, will take out a Hell Insurance Policy at the local fire and brimstone church, by paying out his unquestioning obedience to dogma, and giving his soul to (a usually white and conservative) Jesus, in return for a place in eternal heaven.

Born again christians tend to be highly conservative in politics, and regularly ostracize minorities, non-Christians and Catholics, as well as try to demonstrate unquestioning loyalty to a conservative political establishment. Militarism is also quite common as well. This pattern of behavior amongst working-class caucasians of European extraction, is common in the American South and Midwest, and especially in Northern Ireland.

Calvinism, a miserable interpretation of protestantism which exemplifies self-denial and hatred of the body, as well as ideation of salvation, is the cultural source of the born again phenomenon, as well as the tent revival phenomenon of the earlier 20th century. Calvinists were removed from England before and after Cromwell in the 17th century, (due to ruining everyone's fun), transplanted into Ulster and persecuted by the Gaelic Catholic locals (when they yet again, ruined their fun with teetotalism), and finally relocated to the US to inflict their misery on the Native Americans. They then splintered off into either mainstream, or wackjob/Pentecostal/etc etc. churches, depending on the education level and social class of parishoners. The less educated a person was, the more likely they were to embrace a sort of folk, pagan, voodoo interpretation of the bible, including 'healing', 'laying on of hands', 'speaking in tongues' and other occult activities.

When the 20th century media began to broadcast radio and television, this folk religion suddenly had unbelievable resources, and became the 'born again' movement you see today, funded by TV preachers begging for money nationwide, from born again christians who want to spend their money on securing eternal life instead of booze, drugs, or women.

After watching Oral Roberts on T.V. I done becum a born again christian, and I told my son to take that there WeeGee board to the barbecue on the patio and set it a-fire. Well if'n Satan didn't come right down and ex-plode that there board the second he lit it a-fire, and we could hear that WeeJee board demon a-screechin' and hollerin' while we stood there and prayed, and I knew that both our souls were saved, Amen. (Jump around like your legs are on fire.)

OR: (Northern Ireland)

Uff yee can't come tae tairms wit the concept of eternal daum-nee-a-shun? Ut us on the heead a-yee? Tae breng the ward o' Jaysus Christ intae yer life? Ond be as barn a-gee-yun? Wha' wit the sen we surroound ar-see-yulves witoot knowledge er conscience? Ond remee-yumber thot the Beast lies just streets away from us, en blessful eggnorance! Supportin' the daum-nable Papal demon? Ond their gutter-language of tribal nonsense instee-yud o' good English custom?....(peter out and fall asleep.)

by Reverend Alliekatt March 25, 2008

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