TB is short for Therapeutic Boundaries but it is also short for Tuberculosis. “I love you with tuberculosis” means I love you with therapeutic boundaries.
This term is very good for people who are not in a relationship to express love and appreciation for each other while still understanding that there are mutual boundaries.
It can be used for any person and saying it to each person means something very different. Boundaries are commonly individualized for each relationship.
A: “goodbye! I love you with tuberculosis!
B: “you too man”
it basically means do you wanna fight??
*somebody talking shit abt you*
you: do you wanna go ??? tf
the person: yea get active
Oh yeah! Look at that! That was a pretty quick 180! Pretty spry for an older gal! But what if you antagonized him into it? What if you antagonized him into doing the child murder, Megyn? Then what? Would you be liable then? Is it a hard-line on "buying him a gun?" Or would that apply too? I mean, I'm not a sycophant or anything but I think antagonizing the guy into doing the child murder is kind of "buying him a gun" adjacent, don't you think?
A shit-head "Well, I don't know, I mean... Maybe if you bought him a gun..."
Hym "What about antagonizing the child murder into doing the child murder? I don't know, I mean, maybe follow him around for years... Mirror the delusions of reference that are commonly associated with schizophrenia, except, deliberately... When he presses you on it you just double down and keep doing it... Is THAT equivalent, Megyn Kelly? Is that kind of like buying the guy a gun or is that not as bad? Are you liable then?"
its all fun & games...then not so much...
shit happens...life sucks etc etc...
by the time a woman is 35 she knows lifes a beach then you get sand in your knickers.
Getting besorgt means to do or say something stupid or nonsensical.
A phrase used by lesbian teenage girls who are best friends with the girl you’re dating. They use this phrase to attempt to intimidate you, but it really doesn’t work and makes them seem stupid.
Mary: “She’s my best friend, so you better not hurt her!”
Bob: “What the hell are you going to do if I hurt her without getting somebody else involved? I’m almost six feet at the age of 14, lift weights at home, and have beaten up a bully of mine before. Tell me: how are you going to do anything?”
Mary: “Uhhhhh...”
Bob: “That’s what I thought.”