cohen alger is a stupid fat incel who is always angry that he has no bitches and he is also a very big zoophile
Matt: yo is that cohen over there
Bryant: omg cohen is such a incel
An annoying,bratty self centered person who cares about nobody but them selves
Who is that annoying child? Cohen.😒
An annoying,bratty self centered person who cares about nobody but them selves
Who is that annoying child? Cohen.😒
Cohen is a sweet person who cares a lot about his girlfriend. He is most of the time hot or just cute! If you have a Cohen in your life you are very lucky to have him never leave him there is no one better that Cohen! Cohen is most likely dating a girl named Emary. He definitely has anger issues when it co es to sports or something competitive.
Emary/me : wow I am lucky to date Cohen
Person: yeah you are
Big booty Cohen the thickest of them all.
“Oh Cohen, he’s the one really THICC kid”.
The most annoying person ever who’s going to make u have a bad day
Idiot is Cohen
The best guy ever, makes sex jokes a lot will make you laugh:) you will probably fall in love with him, Once you find yourself a Cohen, your life will be complete ;)
"Wow he’s definitely a Cohen." "Oh, that’s my friend Cohen,you will probably like him too."