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someone who dresses in the gothic fashion to step away from society. they usally listen to the music they like(wether it be nu-metal, deathrock, darkwave,electronica,classic rock, hardcore rap, or industrial) and don't mind most peoples opinions.

these are things that real goths sometimes have that doesnt make them a poser.
Depression- so a goth cant be depressed because hes goth?

angst-some people are naturally angry


mutilation- some people are sad. not all goths live middle class

satanism/vampirism- yes! some real goths are satanist!!

but if all of the above apply, you have a poser at hand
also its ok to be goth and listen to whatever the hell you feel like

goth 1:hi
goth 2:wazzup?
goth 1:did you get that new cd?
goth 2:yea. its cool i guess
poser: i got it and i listened to it while sucking my own blood from a cut i made out of my hate and depression. im just like you!!!
Goth 1:no your just wierd(in head: poser!!!)

by darkblood12 June 10, 2008

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Someone who listens to Goth music, such as darkwave/coldwave/deathrock.
If you don't listen to any goth music, you're not goth, no matter how many black clothes you have and how many Edgar Allan Poe books you've read. Plain and simple.

Sisters of Mercy, Siouxsie and the Banshees, (not always but) The Cure and Bauhaus are the most widely known goth music bands.

by PerYngveOhlin August 14, 2020

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3 Definitions

1) A member of a Germanic tribe who invaded the Roman Empire early in the Christian era

2) A style of music

3) A follower of this music

This is not a goth ----> Ooooooh my god, life is so depressing and i'm soooo goth 'cos I wear lots of black, and I have a chain on my wallet and I wear eyeliner and listen to Marilyn Manson. Dude, i'm soooo goth

by biiiiiing January 20, 2006

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People who associate themselves or often get associated with the so-called "gothic" movement, a musical style that evolved out of british post-punk and US punk, but which is now really a collection of very diversified, "darker" styles of more electronic or more guitar-ridden music. In "goth" clubs, original "gothic rock" styles got mixed with industrial/EBM music, New Wave and some alternative styles since the late 80ies. In the mid-90ies, labels and magazines promoted some so-called "gothic metal" and "industrial metal" bands out of commercial reasons, and because there were certain parallels in look and imagery of these bands to the gothic scene. In these Days, bands like Paradise Lost or Type o Negative, which were really "softer", sometimes romantic heavy metal bands were massively hyped, leading to newbies back then ignoring the original styles of the movement for those acts. In the Noughties, the metal trend waned and was replaced by another new trend towards a softer, melody-orientated form of EBM: "Future Pop" played by groups like VNV Nation and Apoptygma Berzerk. Additionally, very techno-orientated noise music by bands like Combichrist was getting heavy rotation in the clubs. Both styles are more accessible and easier to consume than former styles and tend to more and more replace all other styles of music associated with gothic scene in the club playlists, which leads to conflicts between "purists" and - usually somewhat younger - fans of the new style.

Actually, there is no proper definition of a special attitude, behaviour or quality of "goth" people. It's just the crowd which is into certain branches of the musical styles associated with goth, which is more or less openly involved in the visuals by dressing up sometimes or all the time in "gothic styles" and which is seen frequently in the nightclubs, at festivals and concerts. So all these narcisstic morons around here, trying to describe goths (i.e. themselves) as especially intelligent, more artistic or non-conformist as the rest are really just indulging themselves in pathetic attempts to talk others into sharing their own deluded self-perception.
If there is a positive attribute you can quite rightfully associate to goth, it should be an overall disinterest in open violence compared to "normal" club/party scenes, but there is usually a lot of behind-the-back bitching going on to compensate for that. Additionally, goth scene doesn't seem to take the same moronic pride in open homophobia as a lot of other poseur scenes, that's why some sexual deviants, like transsexuals and others may experience less open hate and aggression there. But they won't necessarily be easily integrated or get much attention in goth scene.
Besides that, you might easily find a lot of different typical "goth" characters in the scenes, it's not really easy to find a common denominator for those people.

Some are more nerdy types, some typical high-school loners, others are very vain and dandy-like, a lot of introverted, sometimes pretty boring fellas, some are more funny than you'd think at first, some (especially the EBM crowd) are pretty down-to-earth, hard-working, almost stolid types, a lot of very bitchy, moody girls.
Nowadays, some of this 00's techno/cyber crowd seems to be some lukewarm version of the urban hipster, without the intellectualism and the good taste but full of the deeply self-centered meaninglessness and a "consumerist" attitude towards culture.

Most of the definitions of the people around here who dislike goth and are carefully constructing a cherished prejudice about goth people for themselves, center on some perception of the goths as being the real conformists, maintaining individuality but dressing up and behaving all the same. This is essentially not a very individualistic and unique perception, as it has been ripped off the popular "South Park" series, where the Cure-loving creators of the show were really quite tongue-in-cheek about the mockery. But it has been taken drop-dead serious by many and has since repeatedly been barked at the goth crowd as some kind of eternal truth revealed by haters all over the net.
IT'S NOT ABOUT INDIVIDUALITY, STUPID! If you're into this style, you're full of passion for it. It's about a conglomerate of - for you - really fascinating music and styles (and admittedly a lot of stupid ones, too), you are so commited to, you just want to be a part of it, showing it just the same as you would show your wedding ring or a tattoo with the name of your lover. There is no problem with that fixed "goth" identity, because it's really up to yourself how you interpret it and fill it with life. You don't just do this do be AGAINST this or that, society, conformists or whatever, although you may personally "use" the style in that sense. It's much more a positive stance towards the styles of the scene that interest you and which you are individually contributing to by dressing up, making music, networking and so on. Nobody will EVER pay attention to you in this scene, if you are devoid of any surprises as a person and cling to some stereotypical behaviour you may associate with "being goth". That's not the way...

Moron: Hey, you think you're individualistic?

HA! I've seen through you goth fags. You all are wearing black clothes like a uniform. Look at my completely average clothes and my boring face. THAT'S a sign of non-conformity.

Goth: I conform to things that are important to me.

At least I HAVE something that's important to me, you know? Besides, I LOVE uniforms...

by Bobby Sunshine August 4, 2009

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Goth, although once an expression of individuality, is now a commercial image sold by big business. They now have shops such as Emily the Strange that promote and sell the goth image. If you shop at such places you are buying something that everyone can have and probably does have. Ergo, you are not a true goth who wishes to be individual.

Goth, as well as many other social groups, is a box that people are put in so we can organise society. People are labelled to make it easier for others to relate to them. I exhibit many chracteristics of a goth (outlook of the world, sense of humour ect,) but am I one? No. This is because I choose not to buy into a commercial image that has been ruined by our "friends" big business and lemming teenagers.

So, if we follow this philosiphy, everyone who calls themself a goth is a poser and everyone who dresses like a goth is just buying into a commercial entity and is therefore a sellout and a poser.

Goth: I'm so individual I dress and act just like all my friends because society tells me to.

by All the bloody names are taken! July 13, 2006

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Goths tend to be people who live in the shadows. They enjoy the things mainstream society has thrown away in its industrialization and desire to have more money than their neighbors. They are fascinated by these shadows of society and cherish the knowledge of them. Because of this, yes, they do tend to be relatively 'strange' by most definitions. No, they don't all cut themselves. No, they don't really care rather you like them or not, though they would happily talk to you and explain how they see the world. No, they don't all cut themselves. And no, they don't all think that they are vampires, and in fact, not all of them like Anne Rice. We don't all wear black every moment of out life. We also dont all wear tons of black eyeliner and dark lipstick from dawn til dusk, or dusk til dawn, whatever our scedules may be. Oh, and yes, some of us DO live during the day, just like everyone else. And yes, we do have a sense of humor and laugh at ourselves upon occasion.

The quiet kids hanging out in the corners who you think are always laughing at you simlpy because they don't go out of their way to suck up and quite commonly wear dark clothing? yeah, they may be Goths.

by Chat de Nuit October 28, 2004

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Goth is not a label. Goth is a real culture that expresses the beauty in darkness and morbidity. Goths usually wear all black, the color of their soul. They don't just wear anything black, the black clothes are more unique and elegant. Some Goths go beyond the black clothes and they wear thick eyeliner and black lipstick. Some make their faces white like a ghost and dye their hair unnatural colors. Goths can be Satan worshippers, Atheists, Christians, Pagans, Wiccans, or any religion. There are some people who give Goths a bad name and other Goths call them posers, but that is simply not true. In a garden, though some vegetables may be rotten, that doesn't mean they aren't vegetables. And as for Goths and non-conformity, what does Goth have to do with non-conformity??? If people join the Gothic Culture just because they want to be non-conformists then that is a very bad reason to become Gothic. People can be Gothic and still be individuals. I'm a Goth and I'm also an individual and I don't try to be different because there isn't any point in it. And Goths aren't all attention seekers. Many of us just feel comfortable looking a certain way, even if we have thick, pointy eyeliner and black lipstick, a pale face, and green hair. Not all Goths are angst-filled morons who have their mind set on blowing up their school. Alot of Goths don't even go to school; there are many adult Goths as well as teens. And I hate the word poser. People call other Goths posers to make themselves feel good. It's name calling, that's all it is, and it's very puerile. Calling someone a poser is definitely a form of bullying and it needs to be stopped.

I am a Goth because Goth is my soul.

I hate it when Goths get called Satan worshippers and it's not true and instead of just saying "I'm not a Satan worshipper" they go and say something negative about people who truly worship Satan.

I am a Satan worshipping Goth.

by Satan-worshipping Goth December 23, 2005

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