An apocalyptic year when we were punished for creating the CATS movie
Person 1: hey remember 2020?
Person 2: you mean the year when shit got crazy?
Person 1: yeah that one
Person 2: yeah
a total, and unexpected, shitshow; a gigantic clusterfuck; a situation where anything that can go wrong, does, and in comical and frightening and unexpected ways; an absolute mess that will require herculean efforts to clean up.
We had a real 2020, and we are still picking up the pieces.
When Todd got involved it turned into a real 2020, and now we dont know how to proceed.
Everything was going fine, but then we had a 2020, and now we are back to square one.
twen-tee twen-tee
1. So ‘effed as to exceed all reasonable earthbound expectations.
2. Messed up and proceeding to become more messed up through a process which incessantly bends and reshapes your world.
Literally what is and will be the worst year of my life. The year where in the United States, we have the most deaths in the global pandemic called Covid - 19. Or coronavirus. (Covid- coronavirus, 19 - discovered in 2019.) Kids and adults are suggested to wear a mask outside for the saftey of yourself and others and where the ones who don't, are pretty stupid. 1 in every 5 americans ( and counting) is unemployed. Small buisnesses shutting down and worst of all, a crappy government leader who decides that the most importent thing in world is himself and he doesn't care that Americans are dying. Truely selfish guy. It is byfar, the worst year of my life.
On Friday March 13, the School District of Philadelphia decieded to close down every school in the city for what they thought would be 2 weeks. It would later be discovered that they closed down for the rest of the remaining school year. ( True fact this actually happened on this exact date google it.) 2020 was the worst year ever.