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fairy tale divorce

A fairy tale divorce is something that a man and woman both might hear about from their friends, and to each the term has a fundamentally different connotation. To a male, a fairy tale divorce implies an escape from a marriage with only minor fiscal, physical, and emotional losses. To a female, a fairy tale divorce means that ex-hubbie decided that a good divorce lawyer was a luxury he could not afford.

Charlie : So Rich are how did it work out with the lawyers?

Richard : She got the house, but I got the car and the camp.

Charlie : You know you got off pretty lucky on this one.

Richard : Yeah, I can't deny it fuckin' fairy tale divorce as far as I'm concerned.

Charlie : She let you off pretty easy for all that screwing around.

Richard : Yep, stupid and big tits that's what I married her for. Hopefully, she finds a nice rich dude who enjoys watching desparate housewives and listening to her talk about the joys of teaching 3rd grade.

by Darker August 10, 2010

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Bouncy Ball tale

A recounting of an imaginary encounter (portrayed as fact) by a liberal moonbat between themselves and a conservative in which the latter usually displays some exaggerated, stereotypical speech or behavior assigned to conservatives which the liberal defines as repugnant in some way. It may also involve a "conversion", in which the (usually lifelong) conservative reaches an epiphany, realizes the error of his or her ways, and instantly becomes a diehard liberal as a result.

The teller of the tale may describe themselves as a passive observer, may claim to have engaged the conservative in innocuous conversation to draw them out or may say they actively confronted the conservative over their speech or behavior. When confronting the conservative, the liberal invariably comes out on top of the exchange, embarrassing the conservative, exposing their lie(s) and/or hypocrisy, and may cause the conservative to instantly discover how blind they've been, resulting in the aforementioned conversion.

Common elements of the imaginary encounter usually include the liberal and conservative interacting alone but may occur before onlookers, who either cheer on the liberal for their devastating rhetoric or congratulate them afterwards on their "victory" over the neanderthal conservative. The conservative is always dull-witted and is always either left speechless, fumbles or mumbles their argument, is shamed into silence, reacts in some egregious manner, or again, becomes "enlightened" by the sheer weight of the liberal's logic. The encounter for some unknown reason is usually portrayed as taking place at a gas station or convenience store, though it is less frequently related as occuring in a retail store, on the job or at a family gathering, but regardless of the venue the results are always the same. The story often starts with the lead-in, "So, I was at the...(insert location here)", followed by the narrative of events. Less commonly, if the teller is in a hurry, unimaginative or just plain lazy, he or she may just make a statement about overhearing or being told by a friend or family member that even though they are a Republican they are "sick of Bush", and vow to vote Democratic henceforth.

The purpose of the Bouncy Ball tale is for the teller to gain favor for themselves amongst their fellow moonbat listeners (or readers), establish their bona fides as a true militant liberal, or to boost sagging morale by convincing their compatriots that they are "winning" the war of ideas. The tale is also popularly used to bolster the argument that the U.S. is in a headlong slide into fascism, particularly when an abusive law enforcement officer is introduced as a character in the story. It may also serve as a paranoia-heightening device if it includes Black SUVs, Black Helicopters, strange clicks on the telephone, rumors of re-education camps, etc.

The term "Bouncy Ball tale" is derived from the screen name of a particular poster on a far-left website who was prolific in producing such flights of fancy for her fellow members' edification. Synonyms include the diminutive "bouncy", "freeper encounter", and "bullshit moonbat story".

The Bouncy Ball tale is most prevalent at www.democraticunderground .com. The quality of the tale is sometimes rated by members of conservative moonbat-watching websites using a "bong scale", with 0 Bongs being the least amusing and 10 Bongs representing the most amusing and creative stories. Usually, the more classic elements added to the story (conversions, stunned silences, devastated opponents, the fabled "cops jumping out of bushes", and so forth), the higher the bong rating will be.

Classic Bouncy Ball tale : So, I was at the convenience store filling up my Prius, and this huge Hummer pulls up covered with W'04 and NRA stickers. A blue-haired old lady steps out wearing cowboy boots and a Huckabee campaign button and immediately starts complaining about the price of gas. I can't contain my rage any longer and finally blurted out, "Did you know that monstrosity you're driving as a replacement for a penis kills 3,500 baby seals a year, and that Chimpy McCokespoon has personally executed over 1,300,000 innocent Iraqis?" Well she started blubbering something about "terra", and I strode over and kicked the Truck Balls off her trailer hitch, peeled her Columbine-inducing NRA stickers off and handed her a set of enlistment papers for the U.S. Marine Corps. She eventually started crying and confessed that she hated GWB but thought he was the only one who could save her from brown-skinned people. I proceeded to tell her about how the President ordered the attack on the WTC and how he breakfasts on Afghani babies and light sweet crude. Finally, she thanks me for opening her eyes and I give her a card for the local Democratic Party committee and Code Pink chapter. As she drove off, two homeless people hanging out by the ice cooler started applauding and thanked me for Speaking Truth To Power. The tide is turning, folks.

by dandi56 March 10, 2008

99๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bouncy Ball tale

A recounting of an imaginary encounter (portrayed as fact) by a liberal moonbat between themselves and a conservative in which the latter usually displays some exaggerated, stereotypical speech or behavior that the liberal defines as repugnant in some way. It may also involve a "conversion", in which the (usually lifelong) conservative reaches an epiphany, realizes the error of his or her ways, and instantly becomes a diehard liberal as a result.

The teller of the tale may be a passive observer, may engage the conservative in innocuous conversation to draw them out or may actively confront the conservative over their speech or behavior. When confronting the conservative, the liberal invariably comes out on top of the exchange, embarrassing the conservative, exposing their lie(s) and/or hypocrisy, and may cause the conservative to instantly realize the error of their ways, resulting in the aforementioned conversion.

Common elements of the imaginary encounter may include the liberal and conservative interacting alone but may occur before onlookers, who either cheer on the liberal for their devastating rhetoric or congratulate them afterwards on their "victory" over the neanderthal conservative. The conservative is either left speechless, fumbles or mumbles their argument, is shamed into silence, reacts in some egregious manner, or again, becomes "enlightened" by the sheer weight of the liberal's logic. The encounter for some unknown reason is usually portrayed as taking place at a gas station or convenience store, though it is less frequently related as occuring in a retail store, on the job or at a family gathering, but regardless of the venue the results are always the same. The story often starts with the lead-in, "So, I was at the...(insert location here)", followed by the narrative of events.

The purpose of the Bouncy Ball tale is for the teller to gain favor for themselves amongst their listeners (or readers), establish their bona fides as a true militant liberal, or to boost sagging morale by convincing their compatriots that they are "winning" the war of ideas. The tale is also popularly used to bolster the argument that the U.S. is in a headlong slide into fascism, particularly when an abusive law enforcement officer is introduced as a character in the story. It may also serve as a paranoia-heightening device if it includes Black SUVs, Black Helicopters, strange clicks on the telephone, rumors of re-education camps, etc.

The term "Bouncy Ball tale" is derived from the screen name of a particular poster on a far-left website who was prolific in producing such flights of fancy for her fellow members' edification. Synonyms include the diminutive "bouncy", "freeper encounter", and "bullshit moonbat story".

The Bouncy Ball tale is most prevalent at www.democraticunderground.com. The quality of the tale is sometimes rated by members of conservative moonbat-watching websites using a "bong scale", with 0 Bongs being the least amusing and 10 Bongs representing the most amusing and creative stories. Usually, the more classic elements added to the story (conversions, stunned silences, devastated opponents, the fabled "cops jumping out of bushes", and so forth), the higher the bong rating will be.

Classic Bouncy Ball tale : So, I was at the convenience store filling up my Prius, and this huge Hummer pulls up covered with W'04 and NRA stickers. A blue-haired old lady steps out wearing cowboy boots and a Huckabee campaign button and immediately starts complaining about the price of gas. I can't contain my rage any longer and finally blurted out, "Did you know that monstrosity you're driving as a replacement for a penis kills 3,500 baby seals a year, and that Chimpy McCokespoon has personally executed over 1,300,000 innocent Iraqis?" Well she started blubbering something about "terra", and I strode over and kicked the Truck Balls off her trailer hitch, peeled her Columbine-inducing NRA stickers off and handed her a set of enlistment papers for the U.S. Marine Corps. She eventually started crying and confessed that she hated GWB but thought he was the only one who could save her from brown-skinned people. I proceeded to tell her about how the President ordered the attack on the WTC and how he breakfasts on Afghani babies and light sweet crude. Finally, she thanks me for opening her eyes and I give her a card for the local Democratic Party committee and Code Pink chapter. As she drove off, two homeless people hanging out by the ice cooler started applauding and thanked me for Speaking Truth To Power. The tide is turning, folks.

by dandi56 March 10, 2008

217๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž

Epic tale, brethren

similar to "cool story, bro." but more awesome.

Epic tale, brethren.

by Jeeeeeenyus July 6, 2010

Veggie Tales Manga

Basically anime but in a book, however this isn't a normal manga it is Veggie Tales but better!

Veggie Tales wasn't good enough! Veggie Tales manga is a leap for mankind!

by Shadow_Wolf9006 November 7, 2019

Old Wives Tale

False information from dumb old bitches.

"Dude I wanna know what sex my baby's gonna be"
"Spin a locket around ur wifes belly, depending on the direction of the circle you might either get a boy or a girl"
"Dude thats an Old Wives Tale, I think Im just goin to use an ultra sound"
"Fu** you smart ass!"

by Neil Strauss September 7, 2008

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Riviting Tale Chap

A phrase used to express an extreme disinterest in what a person has to say by stating this phrase sarcastically to trick the talker into thinking you actually give a shit. This is the more ironic choice than the well known meme "Cool story bro". Often times this is used specifically on those who have incorrectly used the term "cool story bro" or more accurately, someone who over uses it.

ex1:Guy 1: Yeah, So I saw my boss today in the mall and he asked me why I did not show up to work yesterday. So I told him "Cool Story bro." I so pwned him
Guy 2: Riviting Tale Chap!......(mutters)idiot.

ex2: Guy 1: So I kicked this guy's baby out the window and he bounce back into the house. It was amazing!
Guy 2: Cool story bro!
(5 mins later)
Guy 2: So I took a shit, and the dump looks like Alabama.
Guy 1: Riviting tale chap!

by RedSoxDragon aka Big Will December 1, 2009

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