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ash kabosu

an absolute legend, best member of lovejoy, number #1 vlogger, best bassist, coolest dad guitar player 😎, style icon, mystery bass man, cute but hot (teach me your ways), legend with a really cool moustache

he was just a normal guy who got adopted by a load of minecraft youtubers and now he spends his time hanging out with commentary channel failure, james marriott, ash youre better than that πŸ˜”


person 1: β€œhave you seen ash kabosu’s new vlog?”
person 2: β€œyes, he hold a rose in his mouth and i literally died mate”

by deffo not sneegza November 17, 2021

ash main

Literal fucking cancer that has close to no skill but running in and shooting in rainbow six siege

KoolKid135: Hey I like to use ash
Geo25764: Holy shit go kill yourself you ash main

by Hoobito November 30, 2017

344πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Ash Ketchum

Ash Ketchum is a "10 year old boy" in a anime called pokemon since 1997. He has been on his pokemon adventure for 21 years now.

Guy: When is ash going to hit puberty?
Girl: Idk.
Guy: I wish I was Ash Ketchum

by cutiemixedgal January 23, 2019

70πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Ash Kaash

A Goddess that will absorb any males soul and make them cum in 0.2 seconds

Imagine if Ash Kaash gave me the glock flock 3000

by MegaMatt65 August 3, 2020

401πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

Ash Lynx

A 19-year old character from the anime Bananafish. Ash has blond hair and jade green eyes, and is part of a gang in New York. He has a shit dad who openly calls his son a whore even though he knows Ash got trafficked by a mafia boss when he was a child. Disregarding the fact that Ash is a mass murderer, he is honest, hardworking, and kind to his loved ones- and is a lot smarter than your average person. Ash has difficulty with opening up to others and trusts very few people, Eiji Okumura being one of them. Even though he is confirmed dead in the manga, the anime left it open ended and many fans headcannon him to be still alive.

"Who's your favourite anime character?"

"Hm, hard to say, but I really liked Ash Lynx. His character was complex and well thought out, and I found myself rooting for him throughout the show."

"Oh, cool. Mine is Mineta from BNHA"

"We're not friends anymore."

by Minecraftgrassblock March 28, 2021

31πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Ash foetus

A very delicious delicacy. Serve it to anyone(ingredients:human egg, 500g ash, 100g dog meat,1 liter oil, 1 chicken egg

1)Burn your relative for ash

2)Take some menustrated blood

3)Incubate the blood to create undeveloped fetuses

4)dip the foetus in egg

5)then coat it with ash

6)Preheat oil to 170 degrees for 10 minutes

7)Place ash foetus inside and cook it for 2 minutes

8)place some RAW dog meat on cooked ash foetus for more flavor

9)Serve and enjoy!

Saibo: OOo...Nice dinner! What are we eating?

Mickey mouse: Ash foetus with dog meat!

Saibo: Mmm...what a delicacy! I can't wait to savour some! My saliva is already dripping!

by Gourment of Ash food September 28, 2019

Ash Threshold

A concept named after Ash Williams by the Youtuber "The Librarian". It is the point at which horror games lose the ability to scare players after the player was exposed enough to the game and it's contents. It is frequently crossed in the FNaF games, where after enough deaths, the animatronics become an annoying nuisance, than a terrifying enemy to look out for.

Guy 1: I can't keep playing man, this game is too scary.
Guy 2: Don't worry, it will reach the Ash Threshold soon enough and you'll be fine.

by Oofster1 May 23, 2022