Another term for "very epic" or "an iconic moment"
Paul: "Woah did you see Jake's touchdown that won that game?"
Sam: "Yeah, this is like that time Jesus threw a football in Nam"
1👍 1👎
Real Trapper, Future Millionaire aka Mr SCALEYOURKUSH aka Trappernextdoor aka Big Bizzness also known as Mr Get Them Packs Gone Fiends from my block CALLs me McLovin
*fortunate son starts playing*
Guy 1: *loads M16* we’re goin to ‘nam!
If you meet him, stay away from him. he's fat and he probably gonna try and touch ur a55
that's all.
Nam gay: Hello
Me: why are you gay
A name of an Asian boy who seems silent and humble but suddenly becomes one of your most sincere friends - a standard good boy. He likes to eat out and chat. He is surprisingly very good at listening and always willing to help the people he cares about.
Wow, how can I find such a "Nam Nam"?
A Vietnamese phrase means "Heil Hitler!"
Ah, someone putted this "hitler muon nam" sign here