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honey badge

An adjective used to describe an individual who exhibits extreme resilience and perseverance. PhD students are usually described as honey badge due to their acceptance and motivation to dedicating all of their time and energy to their poor life decision(grad school). Someone described as honey badge would most likely be of Asian or Indian descent.

Yo, dude just got his ass chewed and pounded by his boss today but he's still working and won't quit. Man, he is totally honey badge.

by sugarjunkie June 16, 2011

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vag badge

When on your period, you spread your vagina lips, and press them neatly against a man's shirt (preferably white), leaving behind what is known as a vag badge.

MY boyfriend passed out on the couch again, so I decided to leave him a vag badge.

by kingsoapface March 15, 2009

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sex badges

badges you earn as you a promiscuous girl/guy.
(becky t. and jenna b. have earned the most badges so far...)...k.roar

like the other day i TOTALLY earned a sex badge with this one guys like..ya...i LOVE earning sex badges! =

by jennnnnner September 30, 2006

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spack badge

another name for a disabled persons parking permit ie: spackbadge, owned by a spack, which permits them to park wherever the fuck they want, but the spack wud be betta off parking it on a cliff edge and gettin a push(if the owner is a retard)

derek:oy, uve left ur spackbadge in my car!!! fukin or8 this, park where i fukin want!
owner of spackbadge ie the spack:wen ur bak down my way, i want it bak!
derek:fuck off ya spack

by jono January 6, 2004

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vag badge

What a girl earns by having sex with another girl because it's cool to be bisexual.

Lola: "I hear Lisa hooked up with Jessica lat night.. I didn't know she liked girls.."

Sarah: "Nah, she doesn't really, she just wanted to get her vag badge.."

by dinosaur_sounds August 28, 2011

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badge of honor

when a guy get kissed and his cheek or entire face has lipstick

Alex wore the badge of honor on his 25th birthday when his girlfriend and her friends kissed him with lipstick 25 times.

by Theinsider June 6, 2013

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coffee badging

Since hybrid workers are being asked to return to work, this is a new trend which consists of going into the office building for the morning coffee, "badging in" for the day, and then going home to work for the remainder of the day.

I get so distracted at work, I might have to start coffee badging to meet my at-work quota.

by LateToThe Party October 6, 2023

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