A term for a bag. It's often used as a cuter version of the word bag.
Example: yo man, me and this girl went to some bare baggy restaurant last night. Such peng food. Trust!
A type of loose fitting underwear just as the word suggests.
Shortening of a baggy underwear or a granny panty; any underwear.
Usage rural Jamaica
She, she! She have the gun inna baggy. Mind she shoots you with it.
Something bob Menery says when somebody looks high as fuck
Phil: Hey man what you got there?
Hector: Ah just some dust in a baggie
Phil: What the fuck is that
Hector: Cocaine.
Tunes for Charlie, tunes for Kevin, tunes for Mandy and tunes for Mary Jane. Tunes for getting loose.
Hey Nathaniel, lets bump this line and check out those baggy beats next door.
Yo Felix, these baggy beats are pranging me out.