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Bean + 'ing' / Usually Informal
1. Putting a large beans in stuff that isn't yours
( i ) : Usually this happens mostly in British Tiktok

The Tiktoker @epicprobeaner beaned that guy, by the way the Tiktoker said 'No one is free from the beaning'

by Astronomicsmallchungustheorem October 14, 2021


Beans just beans

There is nothing else to be said


by FrickinMINT December 21, 2019

1👍 3👎


A name to call a human, typically someone that you care about.

"Ah, your such a small, cute little bean..."

by Sml Bean March 10, 2020


As a name, “Bean” means one who is vigilantly aware of cloud patterns; soft padded feet and a hankering for cruciferous vegetables, count on Bean for offering too many options.

Bean says the cumulus cloud looks like a piece of cauliflower.

by Pompombean November 23, 2021


a special type of girl who is super cute and loving usually called freya and referred to as freybean

omg your such a cute bean

by mr big dick himself November 11, 2021


A synonym for an among us character, because they look like beans I guess

During a meeting:
Red: So I saw blue vent in electrical....
Blue: He's lying! I swear I'm a good little bean!

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian January 21, 2022


A term for fat, based on its appearance. Commonly used in the self-harm community to obfuscate the true meaning.

Katie self-harms

Katie: Ah fuck, I hit beans

by NoelleDoesSpore November 30, 2021