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fuckin' Bieber

An expression of intense enjoyment (may or may not be said with ironic excitement).

John, did you see that chick's ass? Shit was fuckin' Bieber.

by beebur92 July 29, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bieber Paradox

The paradox that occurs when trying to simultaneously imply that Justin Bieber is both female and homosexual, yet not a lesbian.

*male joins a group of friends*
1: "I had sex with a girl that just turned 18 last night."
2: "You mean Justin Bieber?"
3: "There's no way it was a girl. So is Justin Bieber a good top?"
1: "You guys suck. And you need to decide on if Bieber is gay or a girl, the Bieber paradox is messing with my head."

by Sgt. Frootloop March 15, 2011

19๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bieber Bopper

Any person generally between age 9-15 that is a fan/loves justin bieber, usually teeny boppers

girl:00hHh 33mMm gGgG!! I <3 jUsTiN BiEbEr!!!!!!!

sensible person:Why?

girl:b3c@uS3........umm.............*head explodes*

sensible person: tsk tsk tsk, that bieber bopper shoulda been blasting that RATM.
Bieber Aids killed her smh

*Blast Killing in the Name of*

by WashBro3 September 6, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bieber Hunter

A person or animal that dedicates a large amount of time to bringing the death or severe injury of Justin Bieber. Though most of the time Bieber Hunters are unsuccessful, the other day one of them succeeded in making the pre-pubesent pop sensation walk into a door. However, it is often debated weither the inciedent was a direct result of a Bieber Hunter, or was a result of the stars own stupidity.

Bieber fan 1#: "OH SHIT!!! Beibers dead!!!"

Bieber hater 1#: "God Bless you "Bieber Hunter"s..."

by bieberbomber June 6, 2010

33๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bieber Syndrome

A very rare disease, in which a young teen (around 13-16) is unable to go through puberty for some ungodly reason. The side effects for the adolescent in question are usually microscopic testicles, however the worse side effects are experienced by near by persons, who are then forced to hear the screeching howls of the adolescent's singing voice.

Victim of Bieber Syndrome: "...and I was like BABY BABY OOOOOOOOOHHHH BABY BABY NOOOOOOHHH!!!"

Doctor: "Is euthanasia legal here?"

by imdefinitelynotjustinebeaver September 17, 2010

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bieber rape

When you or your friends are touched inappropriately by a Bieber look-alike, or Justin Beiber himself.

You: OMG, i just got bieber raped
Friends: EWWWWWW disinfect, disinfect!!!

by k.andy April 15, 2010

42๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be terrorized by Bieber songs for a long time, or where ever you go.

My sister Bieber-rized my day when she played Baby for 3 hours straight.

by Krebon_Z November 2, 2010