Someone who dresses like a biker to look like one
Did you see joe yesterday he looked like a total Wannabe Biker
A Dirty Biker who went back in 2021 and got infected twice.
I recovered from Covid-19 from Sturgis 2020, but got a breakthrough case at Sturgis 2021 from another Dumb Dirty Biker.
"That looks like a Biker's Dozen."
"You mean Baker's dozen?"
"How many is in a Biker's Dozen?"
An ironic comment on Instagram Reels where users will jokingly blame bikers for car crash.
*Watching Instagram Reels*
Tom: Wow that car and truck had pretty bad collision, I wonder if the people in the comments will agree with me.
Comments: "Biker's Fault"
Tom: What the fuck there wasn't even a biker