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Tenure brag

When someone brags about how long they've been doing something - It is generally an age/time related brag ("I've been doing this since you were in diapers!") but can also be the number of times they've done it ("this is my 15th time at burning man!"), etc.

We made it about 15 minutes into the neighborhood meeting before Tom started tenure bragging about how he's lived on that street the longest!

by Human Peacocking May 15, 2023

Trauma Brag

To brag, highlight, or bring attention to hardship that one has experienced. Examples include highlighting one's experience of poverty, illness, abuse, or adversity

These types of brags get attention for higher status signalers and dismissal for low status ones

There's the head of that bank trauma bragging about his illness in order to get more clout in the newspaper headlines

by Human Peacocking June 10, 2023

Grumble brag

When a person, often intentionally, uses a complaint about their wealth or good fortune as a thinly veiled opportunity to boast about it. Related to humble brag, backhanded compliment

"I can't believe my father-in-law left his brand new luxury car to us when he died. It's such a hassle dealing with all of the paperwork."

"Please. Stop. I can't stand how your grumble brag is pulling at my heartstrings."

by nunuhya April 5, 2023

Sleep Bragging

Snoring so obscenely loud that its obvious you want everyone in the room to know even in your sleep. Can only be done unconsciously. Usually done by, but not limited to, Dads and Dogs.

Doug is on the couch Sleep Bragging again. I don't want to wake him but I can't hear the movie.

by I Love Soup and Gravy April 30, 2023

Wet Brag

When someone brags about something he thinks is great but is actually lame and that fact that he's bragging about it makes it worse and makes you wonder what he does when he's alone.

Friend 1: Did you hear? Blake's been bragging he collected all the My Little Pony happy meal toys
Friend 2: Really? What a wet brag, I wonder what he does in his free time
Friend 1: Probably writes MLP fanfics

by Brief Velkoz April 14, 2021


someone bragging about stupid stuff 24/7

luna bragging about diamonds on a virtual game

by yeetusbleetus February 3, 2020


I'm not doing that... I'm mocking you... You, a woman, are being mocked by an incel... For being bad at the only thing you care about... Hahahahahahahahaha!

Hym "Yep. Their coming after IVF, Contraception, Abortion... I mean... I'm an incel though so... Hahahahahahaha! Oh no! Your actions have consequences now! OoOoOoOoOoH nOoOoOo! You're fine with people trying to control MY life though, aren't ya? Yeah you are. All that success policing and for what? To shit out a kid against your will? What did it amount to? Nothing. I'm not bragging though. If I was going to bragging I would give you a little anecdote about a girl I work with. She was complaining about being in the second trimester and how she has to work 2 jobs... Now... My question to HER is: Did you fuck the creator of A.I. or no? Who did you fuck? Did he write the Joker? Did you buy a dvd copy of the Joker and watch it for 7 years straight?"

by Hym Iam February 27, 2024