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Quite possibly the worst user on music forum kanyetothe.com. Known for having bad opinions and stanning Taylor Swift.

There goes another shitty Brave thfead. Somebody please ban this alt.

by JojosDildo August 7, 2019


Brave people don't usually have a long life expectancy, and anybody over 35 that tells you they are brave even though they are still alive is full of shit.

It might be admirable to be brave and die before 35, but most people try to endure a little bit longer than that, even if it means being a little bit more cowardly to get there.

by Solid Mantis April 20, 2021


A Word meaning that you can fight zombies with out being scared.

"Your Very Brave Solder"

by GrassyOwl October 24, 2019

brave trails

Brave Trails is the most magical places in the world, some would say even more magical than Disneyland. Brave Trails connects LGBTQ+ folks to their people, place, and passion through summer camp and year-round community building. Meet the LGBTQ+ leaders of tomorrow in the mountains of California & Maryland.

I went to Brave Trails and found my second family.

by boldbravequeer November 23, 2021

Brave new world

The companion book to Stalin's Bible

A Brave new world is a good example of what the left and the Palestinian caucus is trying to achieve.

by Sexydimma May 23, 2021

National Shoot Your Shot (Brave) Day

When that day comes, you have to shoot your shot to anyone you like or someone random.

"Would you go out with me naja?" "Why?" "Because it's National Shoot Your Shot (Brave) Day ."

by Null <3 February 18, 2023

Bravely Default 2

Bravely Default 2 is the third game in the Bravely series developed by square enix. The story revolves around a man named seth putnam who is chosen by a green crack rock to find yellow crack rocks so that he can kill someone who smoked too many crack rocks. It is a beautiful story of life, friendship and jihad.

Person 1: "I have been playing Bravely Default 2 recently."

Person 2: "Did you unlock gaming yet?"

by Marla sus April 9, 2021